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  1. Apr 30, 2021 · Recalcati reports in a series of 88 COVID-19 patients, 18 developed skin manifestations (20.4%) erythematous rash, generalized urticaria and varicelliform rash. All of them pruritic in mild intensity, resolving within a few days. 3 Among 15 patients with COVID-19 infection, the authors noted two patients of morbilliform skin rashes, both aged ...

  2. Mar 21, 2017 · Drug reactions. Allergic reactions to a drug may be the cause if the maculopapular rash develops four to 12 days after taking a medication. Reactions to medications can take up to seven or eight ...

  3. Morbilliform (measles-like) eruptions are the most common cutaneous manifestations of drug-induced eruptions in children. In this eruption, fine erythematous macules and papules are distributed over the trunk (Fig. 61.18 ). The rash often spreads centripetally from the trunk to the extremities.

  4. Dec 1, 2018 · Nonserious rashes can present as morbilliform, erythema multiforme, or urticaria . Unfortunately, simple morbilliform or urticarial rash can represent the initial stage of Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, or drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms . Consequently, when a rash occurs, patients must be referred ...

  5. KEY POINTS. Differentiating severe drug rashes involves consideration of timing of drug exposure, clinical appearance of the rash, presence of systemic features, and often skin biopsy. Early recognition and immediate withdrawal of offending agents is critical to minimize debilitating and potentially life-threatening consequences of severe drug ...

  6. Nov 1, 2022 · SynopsisCopy. Exanthematous drug eruption (EDE; also known as morbilliform drug eruption) is the most common of all medication-induced drug rashes. It consists of red macules and papules that often arise on the trunk and spread symmetrically to involve the proximal extremities. In severe cases, lesions coalesce and may lead to erythroderma.

  7. Jun 26, 2017 · A diffuse morbilliform eruption can also be seen following administration of amoxicillin or ampicillin. Notably, very painful, >1 cm genital ulceration can be seen (Lipschütz ulcers) in pre-adolescent females, often with a necrotic appearance and violaceous borders, involving the labia majora, labia minora, or inner thighs.

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