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  1. Your Streamlined Portal for Crew Payroll and Production Information. Help your crews effortlessly manage their personal, production, and payroll-related materials in one convenient location. Say goodbye to the hassle of searching for tax documents and wasting time tracking down old pay stubs.

    • Interactive Dashboard
    • How to Navigate to Other Apps
    • Top Navigation
    • Need Extra Help?

    When you log into your account, you'll see interactive sections including your most important information. Important things to note: 1. The data you see will vary based on your payroll provider, role, and how long you’ve been in the system. 2. Recent Paystubs and YTD sections will only display Cast & Crew and CAPS data. If Media Services has paid y...

    All Cast & Crew products you have access to, such as ETC, Start+, Hours+, etc., can be accessed via the App Selector button (waffle icon) in the top right corner of the screen: From here, you can click directly on the digital product to navigate to the application. To update your account or password, or to navigate to the Help Center or on-demand c...

    The top navigation allows you to view your tax documents, pay stubs, and more. Let’s take a look at the tabs you have access to: 1. 1 – Clicking the Cast & Crew logowill take you to the new dashboard, where you can access key information from all your Cast & Crew products. 2. 2 – Clicking the App Selector (waffle icon)will open a modal displaying a...

    If you scroll to the bottom of your dashboard, you’ll find a list of frequently asked questions. This section contains answers to the most common queries. If you have a question, you’ll likely find it here or in the Help Center by clicking ‘Go to Self Service.’

  2. You can then log in to with your existing login information. New Employee Accounts will receive an Activation email which will activate your account in Click the ETC link in the email to navigate to the MyCast&Crew portal.

  3. Access pay stubs, tax documents, digital onboards, and timecards. With your MyCast&Crew account, studio staff can. Set up new projects

  4. MyCast&Crew U.S. Articles and videos to help you use MyCast&Crew. Getting Started. A Refresher Guide for Crew Members. MyCast&Crew: Dashboard and Portal Overview. MyCast&Crew Video: Submitting a New W-4. Profile Updates. How can I update my username/email for my online portal? How can I update or add my emergency contact?

  5. › mycastandcrewMyCast&Crew Canada

    MyCast&Crew is your own centralized hub that lets you manage all your personal, production, and payroll-related materials in one secure place. Registering for MyCast&Crew is fast and easy, so you can focus on the things that really matter.

  6. People also ask

  7. All courses for My Cast & Crew's. This path will help you learn the essentials for navigating Cast & Crew products.

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