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  1. -- Example SQL statement to create a Products table. CREATE TABLE Products ( ProductID INT PRIMARY KEY, ProductName VARCHAR(255), CategoryID INT, StockQuantity INT, Price DECIMAL(10, 2) ); b. Inventory Transactions. Understand how to log inventory transactions such as purchases, sales, and adjustments.

  2. For this tutorial I've designed a very simple relational database (relational_demo.sql) with just three tables — an inventory, a sales staff, and a sales invoice that relies on the others. When I examine my sample database in MySQL Workbench , it looks like this:

  3. MySQL :: Sakila Sample Database. 5.1.11 The inventory Table. The inventory table contains one row for each copy of a given film in a given store. The inventory table refers to the film and store tables using foreign keys and is referred to by the rental table. Columns.

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