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    net worth by age

    If you're looking for insights on net worth by age, here are some key points to consider:

    1. Under 35: Average net worth is often negative due to student loans and early career expenses.
    2. Ages 35-44: Average net worth typically ranges from $35,000 to $100,000 as individuals start to accumulate assets.
    3. Ages 45-54: Average net worth can reach $100,000 to $250,000 as careers advance and savings increase.
    4. Ages 55-64: Average net worth often exceeds $250,000, with many nearing retirement and focusing on savings.
    5. Ages 65 and older: Average net worth can vary widely, often exceeding $300,000, influenced by retirement savings and home equity.
    6. Variability: Net worth can differ significantly based on factors like education, location, and economic conditions.
    7. Debt Impact: High levels of debt can negatively affect net worth at any age.
    8. Investment Growth: Early investments can lead to substantial net worth increases over time.
    9. Home Ownership: Owning a home typically boosts net worth significantly compared to renting.
    10. Retirement Accounts: Contributions to retirement accounts play a crucial role in building net worth as individuals age.
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