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  1. Octopus Salad Ingredients - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Chickpeas Salad with Octopus
    If you want a meal that will tantalize the taste buds and is easy to make, then try this recipe for Chickpeas Salad with Octopus. It is not only a hearty dish, but has nutrient-rich ingredients for a healthy meal. This dish is perfect for an intimate family dinner or a brunch with friends. We hope you and your loved ones enjoy this dish as much as we do!
    Hong Kong-Style Bagged Noodles 
    Food and Wine
    Growing up in Hong Kong, we wouldn't go on mall dates and eat at Auntie Anne's. Instead, we'd wander the streets of Mongkok with a palm-sized bag of noodles in hand, with two bamboo skewers stuck in them as makeshift chopsticks. In Hong Kong's many shopping districts, you'll find these stalls that sell chilled noodles in a bag with a slew of ingredients you can top them with: octopus, seaweed salad, ham, corn, bean sprouts, etc. The sauce is straightforward but what makes it so outstanding is the punch of the raw garlic and the endless possibilities of toppings.