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  1. Il panda gigante o panda maggiore (Ailuropoda melanoleuca David, 1869) è un mammifero appartenente alla famiglia degli ursidi.Originario della Cina centrale, vive nelle regioni montuose del Sichuan; è divenuto, verso la seconda metà del XX secolo, un emblema nazionale cinese, dal 1982 raffigurato sulle monete auree cinesi (serie Panda Dorato), oltre che simbolo del WWF

  2. › wiki › RaccoonRaccoon - Wikipedia

    They possess impressive problem-solving abilities and can break into all but the most secure food waste bins, which has earned them the derisive nickname trash panda. [294] The presence of raccoons in close proximity to humans may be undesirable, as raccoon droppings (like most wild animals) contain parasites and other disease vectors.

  3. The panda cub was featured in an Animal Planet documentary titled A Panda Is Born, which follows the National Zoo's giant panda breeding efforts and Tai Shan's birth. A few months after Tai Shan's first birthday, Animal Planet premiered a documentary titled Baby Panda's First Year , which followed him during his first 12 months at the National Zoo.

  4. The common name of gaikotsu-panda-hoya (ガイコツパンダホヤ, translated as "skeleton panda sea squirt" or "skeleton panda ascidian") was given to the animal by Japanese internet users after the first pictures were shared online.

  5. Hundreds of years ago, the Chinese would raise a truce flag with a panda depicted on it. Pandas have been on Earth for around 2-3 million years. The name "panda" may come from the Nepalese "poonya," meaning "plant-eating animal" or "bamboo-eating animal". Under its black fur, the Giant panda's skin is black and pink where it is white.

  6. Si bien hay pocos registros antiguos del panda gigante, "Durante la dinastía manchú, los aborígenes del oeste de Szechuan enviaron pieles de este animal [bei-shung, presuntamente el panda] como tributo al gobierno de China. y el este del Tíbet", según David Crockett Graham.

  7. O panda-vermelho não digere completamente o bambu, especialmente a celulose e componentes da parede celular. Isto implica que a digestão microbiana desempenhe somente um pequeno papel em sua estratégia digestiva, semelhante ao panda-gigante. O trânsito do bambu pelo intestino do panda-vermelho é muito rápido (entre duas e quatro horas).

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