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  1. May 12, 2024 · Good Morning, Miss Dove (1955) I just watched this movie starring Jennifer Jones and Mike Connors from 1955. Jones played a stoic and sensible woman who teaches geography at the local school in a small New England town. She gains respect from the local townspeople, and they have grave concern when she becomes ill and needs surgery.

  2. May 13, 2024 · Famously a close confidante of Jackie Onassistance, she sort of became a Garbo-esque recluse after a near brush with death on 9/11. You can occasionally spot her out and about in the UES, but she eschews fans and cameras. Still beautiful as ever though, even without all the glamour makeup popular in her heyday.

  3. May 22, 2024 · Constance Towers, who turned 91 yesterday. Born to an Irish father and an Irish-American mother, she was born and brought up in northwestern Montana and started her career as a child radio actor after being discovered by talent scouts passing through the region. She eventually went to Juilliard where she studied music.

  4. 4 days ago · In a letter, Roberts wrote: "I must respectfully decline your request for a meeting. As noted in my letter to Chairman Durbin last April, apart from ceremonial events, only on rare occasions in our Nation’s history has a sitting Chief Justice met with legislators, even in a public setting (such as a Committee hearing) with members of both major political parties present.

  5. May 16, 2024 · R15. I do not agree with you as far as a movie that has been rewatched. Of course more people might have originally watched Hustlers recently because it’s a much more recent movie by over 20 years.

  6. May 25, 2024 · Lily Rabe is Lillian’s daughter, Margaret, reluctant to admit how neglected she felt as a child while her mother was devoted to the stage. Pierce Brosnan plays Ty, a neighbor who conveniently has a terrace adjacent to Lillian’s. That proximity is a contrivance, just as their late-night conversations about life and aging are a bit too on the ...

  7. May 26, 2024 · May 29, 2024 2:15 AM. R57 - some sources say that by 1995, 10% of all gay men in the US between the ages of 25-44 had died. Considering the high concentrations of gay men in NYC and SF and, unfortunately, the early rise of HIV in those communities - I don't doubt that probably 35-40% of the community died.

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