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  1. Mar 4, 2024 · This kindergarten-themed collection explores this special time’s joys and wonders through different poetic structures and styles. These works are crafted for teachers to utilize as a resource to inspire their students and teach them about the different forms of poetry.

    • Five Free Verse Poems About Parents
    • Five Acrostic Poems About Parents
    • Five Haiku Poems About Parents
    • Five Limerick Poems About Parents
    • Five Tanka Poems About Parents
    • Five Sonnet Poems About Parents
    • Five Elegys About Parents
    • Five Ode Poems About Parents
    • Five Villanelle Poems About Parents

    1. A Mother’s Love

    A mother’s love is a force to be reckoned with Unconditional and unwavering It’s the kind of love that never quits Even when life’s struggles are devastating She stands tall through the storm And lifts us up when we’re down Her heart is our shelter from harm Her love, our safe haven, profound

    2. My Father’s Hands

    My father’s hands were always rough But they held me with such tenderness His strong embrace was more than enough To make all my fears disappear, no less He worked tirelessly day and night Just to give us everything we need To see him strive with all his might Was a testament to his love indeed

    3. The Lessons They Teach

    Our parents teach us the lessons of life Not just through the words they say But also through their resilient strife To lead by example every day They show us what it means to work hard And how to persevere through any pain They instill in us values to discard And help us grow into who we are today

    1. Pillars of Strength

    Patience in your eyes, love in your heart, Always there for us, right from the start. Radiating warmth, wisdom, and grace, Ever present, whatever we face. Nurturing dreams, big and small, Teaching us to stand tall. Steadfast pillars, our parents so dear. By Dan Higgins 2024

    2. Guiding Lights

    Guiding us through life with love and care, Understanding our dreams, always there. Inspiring courage, instilling hope, Displaying strength, helping us cope. Imprinting values, shaping our soul, Never letting go of their role. Guiding lights, our parents, our stars. By Dan Higgins 2024

    3. Nurturers

    Nurturing us with love pure and true, Uplifting us when we’re feeling blue. Ready to protect, ready to guide, Teaching us to take life in stride. Unbending support, love without measure, Rich in wisdom, a treasure. Endless patience, a heart so kind, Reminding us, love is what we find. Such are parents, our nurturers, our friends. By Dan Higgins 2024

    1. A Mother’s Love

    Soft, gentle whispers, A mother’s love surrounds me, Everlasting bond.

    2. Father’s Wisdom

    Father’s gentle voice, Guiding me with wise counsel, Forever grateful.

    3. Their Tender Care

    Parents’ tender care, Nurturing and protecting us, Our hearts overflow.

    1. Mom’s Secret Stash

    There once was a mother so sweet Who kept all her candy to eat But when her kids came around There wasn’t a treat to be found Mom’s secret stash was hers to keep

    2. Dad’s Bad Jokes

    There once was a dad with bad jokes Whose puns made his children go broke They’d say “Dad, stop it please” But he’d tell jokes with ease And make them all laugh until they choked

    3. Parental Love

    There once was a pair, mom and dad Whose love for their kids made them glad They’d hug and they’d hold And never let go, we’re told Their love for their children: ironclad

    1. A Mother’s Grace

    Soft, gentle whispers A mother’s love surrounds us Her grace ever-present Guiding us through life’s journey Her love unyielding and true

    2. Father’s Steadfast Love

    Father’s loving gaze A lighthouse in darkened seas His strength never fades A steadfast beacon of hope Guiding us through life’s tempest

    3. A Parent’s Devotion

    Unwavering love Parents’ hearts filled with fierce devotion Their sacrifice great Guiding us through the unknown Their love forever endures

    1. A Mother’s Heart

    A mother’s heart is like a garden fair Where love grows wild and free in every part Her gentle touch and tender loving care Is like a balm that soothes the wounded heart From childhood days to when we are grown Her loving gaze, a constant guiding light Through thick and thin she never left us alone Her love endures, forever shining bright Her laughter echoes through the halls of time Her wisdom, a beacon for the lost and found Her love, a comfort to the anguished mind A mother’s heart, foreve...

    2. A Father’s Strength

    A father’s strength is like a mighty rock In whom we find our refuge from the storm His unwavering spirit, never to be knocked Is like a beacon that keeps us safe and warm He toiled tirelessly for our every need To give us all the best that life could give His precious words of wisdom, like a seed Planted in our hearts, forever to live His gruff exterior belies a heart so kind A heart that beats for us, his children dear With him beside us, we know we’ll always find The strength we need to fa...

    3. Parental Love

    Parental love, like a candle’s warming glow A flickering flame that lights up the dark night Its gentle warmth, a soothing balm to show That all will be okay, no matter the sight Through every phase of life, they were there Guiding our first steps, holding our hands tight Giving us hope, no matter how despair Parental love, a beacon of shining light Their guiding voice, a constant guiding star Their endless patience, like the ocean’s tide Their sacrifice, like the moon, near and far Their lov...

    1. Guiding Lights

    Parents, the stars that twinkle in our night, Guiding us with their wisdom and their light. Through childhood’s maze, they lead us right, Their love, a beacon burning bright. By Dan Higgins 2024

    2. Roots and Wings

    Parents give us roots and also wings, Teaching us to dream, inspiring great things. In their embrace, true comfort clings, In their words, the truth always sings. By Dan Higgins 2024

    3. Silent Sacrifices

    Parents make sacrifices silent and deep, For their children’s happiness, they often weep. Their love, a treasure we’re meant to keep, A bond so strong, it makes hearts leap. By Dan Higgins 2024

    1. Ode to a Mother’s Love

    Oh, mother’s love, how sweet and pure Like honey from the comb, it’s ever secure A love that knows no bounds, no end It’s like a warm embrace, a faithful friend Your gentle touch, your soothing voice Fills us up, with peace and poise From childhood days till we’re grown Your love, like a fortress, is forever known Your love is like a rose in bloom So fragrant, so sweet, its perfume Guiding us through life’s tumultuous ride In every step we take, you’re by our side Oh, mother’s love, how deep...

    2. Ode to a Father’s Strength

    Oh, father’s strength, how fierce and bold A mighty force to be reckoned, we’re told Your unwavering spirit, like a lion’s roar Is what keeps us grounded, forevermore Your guiding hand, your solid stance Is what gave us all the confidence to dance Through life’s obstacles and trials, we faced With you by our side, we were never misplaced Your strength is like a mountain’s might So unyielding, so strong, it’s out of sight Guiding us through every path that life may face Your wisdom, like a bea...

    3. Ode to Parental Love

    Oh, parental love, how pure and sweet A bond so strong, it’s hard to beat Through every joy, every sorrow, it’s there A love that’s beyond measure, a love so rare Your love, like a river, always flows Guiding us through life’s highs and lows A love that’s unconditional, ever true It’s what gives us all the courage to pursue Your love is like a beacon in the dark A flame that shines bright, like a spark Guiding us through every trial and strife Your love, like a shelter, is what gave us life O...

    “A Mother’s Love”

    A mother’s love is pure and true, A bond that lasts a lifetime through. Her heart beats strong, just for you. She’ll wipe away your tears when you’re feeling blue, And hold you close until you’re all brand new. A mother’s love is pure and true. She’ll guide you through life with wisdom too, And teach you all the things you never knew. Her heart beats strong, just for you. When you stumble and fall, she’ll help you get through, And lift you up until you feel anew. A mother’s love is pure and t...

    “A Father’s Strength”

    A father’s strength is like no other, His will to protect, his love like a cover. His heart beats strong, just for mother. With his guidance, we learn to discover, The world around us, he’s always our lover. A father’s strength is like no other. He teaches us right from wrong, like a brother, And helps shape us into who we’ll become further. His heart beats strong, just for mother. Through his actions, we learn to be tougher, And face the world with true grit and vigor. A father’s strength is...

    “A Parent’s Sacrifice”

    A parent’s sacrifice is often unseen, Their love and dedication, a constant routine. Their heart beats strong, even when they’re in between. From the late nights to early mornings, they’ll glean, And work long hours to provide for the team. A parent’s sacrifice is often unseen.

  2. Apr 2, 2024 · 40 Sweet Kindergarten Poems and Nursery Rhymes for Kids. Whether you’re singing a nursery rhyme or building reading skills, poetry is a great way to engage students. It’s never too early to introduce them to this wonderfully expressive and versatile form of literature.

  3. In this article, we will explore a few beautiful poems that educators and parents can use to help instill the value of kindness in kindergarten children. Índice. Poem 1: "The Kindness Tree". Poem 2: "Kindness in Our Hearts". Poem 3: "The Magic of Kindness".

  4. 4 Fantastic Poetry Writing Ideas for Kindergarten. For emerging readers, poetry can be a difficult genre to grasp. However, when you think of all the stories written for kindergarten that are told in rhyme, you’ll realize how much your younger students are already exposed to poetic concepts.

    • poem for kindergarten parents to write1
    • poem for kindergarten parents to write2
    • poem for kindergarten parents to write3
    • poem for kindergarten parents to write4
    • poem for kindergarten parents to write5
  5. Will I be by myself? Will it be bad? Will my teacher be nice? Will I make a new friend? Will I learn to tie my shoe? Will this class ever end?" Ron Padgett's poem perfectly captures the fears and uncertainties that can accompany the first day of kindergarten.

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  7. Poems for kindergarten make reading enjoyable, igniting a love of the spoken and written word. ‎ These children’s poems can assist your youngster in understanding patterns, which supports the brain in learning to absorb and retain knowledge.

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