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  1. Popular West African Dishes Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Stovetop Fufu
    Food Network
    This starchy dough-like side dish is popular in West African countries but is also eaten in Central Africa and certain regions of the Caribbean. Fufu is often served with a soup (such as peanut soup) or stew (such as egusi stew, which is made of ground melon seeds). Cassava (yucca) and unripe plantain are customarily used to make fufu in many West African countries, although other root vegetables such as yam, cocoyam and potatoes can be used as well. The authentic method for making fufu can be a challenge, since it requires a wooden mortar and pestle to pound the cooked cassava and plantain. At times it can require two individuals for the process. This recipe offers a simpler stovetop version made with cocoyam flour, the preferred flour in my family. Feel free to use other fufu flour such as plantain or yam.