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  1. A 2021 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) internal report found that senior DHS officials had sought to portray the 2020 protests in Portland, Oregon, without evidence, as an organized effort by antifa to attack government institutions, and had ordered staff to characterize protests as "Violent Antifa Anarchist Inspired".

  2. Several protests took place outside the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin during the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse between November 1, 2021, and November 19, 2021. Following Rittenhouse's acquittal on November 19, rioting broke out in Portland, Oregon. Large protests also occurred in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and ...

  3. [14] [15] [16] However, police made arrests in about 5% of protest events (deploying chemical irritants in 2.5% of events); 3.7% of protest events were associated with property damage or vandalism (including damages by persons not involved in the actual demonstration); and protesters or bystanders were injured or killed in 1.6% of events. [15]

  4. On the evening of Saturday, February 19, 2022, several traffic safety volunteers had gathered near the intersection of NE 55th and NE Hassalo, near the southwest corner of Normandale Park, [5] for a “Justice for Amir Locke” [9] protest, in reference to the Black man who had been killed weeks earlier in Minneapolis while police executed a no-knock warrant on an apartment. [9]

  5. A mural of George Floyd was painted by Emma Berger outside Portland, Oregon's Apple Pioneer Place, on June 1, 2020, a week after his murder, against the background of the ongoing protests against police brutality.

  6. › wiki › Black_blocBlack bloc - Wikipedia

    In May 2021, Portland protesters in black bloc turned out at multiple rallies and marches that marked the one-year anniversary of the murder of George Floyd. At one event the protesters wheeled a dumpster into the street and set its contents on fire, drawing police out. The rally was declared a riot by police. [47]

  7. In Portland, Oregon, a planned protest turned into what police called a riot, resulting in at least three arrests. [207] Police also made two arrests at a protest in Seattle, and dispersed a group of protesters in Olympia, Washington. [207]

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