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  1. The primary registered protestant Churches in the United Arab Emirates are Anglican, Evangelical, and the Mar Thoma Church. The Anglican Communion is represented by the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the Middle East .

  2. 2021 – May 9 – June 2021, amid the 2021 Israel–Palestine crisis, the United States saw a rise in antisemitism, Anti-Arab racism and violence, as both pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters took to the streets of major U.S. cities.

  3. It is the 7th most Protestant state and the 7th most religious state in the United States. [ 80 ] [ 81 ] Out migration has been a steady phenomenon, beginning after the Civil War when ex-Confederates moved into southern Ohio to escape the political sanctions in their new home state. [ 82 ]

  4. Racial segregation of churches in the United States is a pattern of Christian churches maintaining segregated congregations based on race. As of 2001, as many as 87% of Christian churches in the United States were completely made up of only white or African-American parishioners.

  5. Christianity is the most widely professed religion, with the majority of Americans being Evangelicals, Mainline Protestants, or Catholics, [9] [10] although its dominance has declined in recent decades, and as of 2012 Protestants no longer formed a majority in the U.S. [11] The United States has the largest Christian and Protestant population ...

  6. American anti-Catholicism originally derived from the theological heritage of the Protestant Reformation and the European wars of religion (16th–18th century). Because the Reformation was based on an effort to correct what was perceived as the errors and excesses of the Catholic Church, its proponents formed strong positions against the Roman clerical hierarchy in general and the Papacy in ...

  7. The Archdiocese of Baltimore was the first diocese established in the United States, in 1789, with John Carroll (1735–1815) as its first bishop. It was, for many years, the most influential diocese in the fledgling nation. Now, however, the United States has several large archdioceses and a number of cardinal-archbishops.

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