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  1. Recipe For Chicken Filipino Style - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Filipino-Style One Pot Chicken Adobo Recipe by Tasty
    Experience the flavors of the Philippines with this Filipino-style One-Pot Chicken Adobo! This savory and tangy dish is perfect for a cozy dinner with friends and family.
    Filipino Chicken Adobo
    Here’s how to simmer your way to succulent, glistening, Filipino-style chicken that’s deeply flavored with garlic, black pepper, soy sauce, and vinegar. You can cook the adobo in one fell swoop, or start it one night and finish the next. For the most authentic flavor, head to an Asian market or online for the Filipino soy sauce, which is saltier than others and will do the heavy lifting when seasoning the chicken. Filipino sugarcane vinegar is worth seeking out for its unique perfumey quality. For simmering the chicken, go with chicken broth for a more savory dish, or try pineapple juice for a sweet note. The adobo is flexible; to stretch the meal, you can toss in peeled and cubed potato, green unripe papaya, chayote, or peeled hard-boiled eggs in the last 10 minutes of cooking. For those who love fire, add some fresh chilies. Don’t forget a side of white rice! The recipe is a Yummly original created by [Jenn de la Vega](
    Filipino style Chicken Rice Porridge
    This is also known as Arroz Caldo. I usually crave for this on rainy days or when I'm not feeling well. This is the Filipino take on the chicken noodle soup. This is a very easy recipe to make with just a few simple ingredients. You can make this in advance, stored in an air tight container, refrigerated for about 3 days. If you are feeling indulgent you can even add fried pork skin on top for some crunch.
    Sweet and Sour Sauce - Philippine Style
    Simple and easy to make. It’s a recipe used by my Filipino wife’s family for many years. You don’t have to go out and buy anything special for this sauce, you’ll have the ingredients on hand. We use it mostly for a lumpia dip but it’s also a great dip for chicken nuggets, pork, meatballs, etc.
    Filipino Style Chicken Soup With Mung Beans, Garlic and Bay Leav
    I don't recall my Mama ever making such a thing, and I definitely can't vouch for how authentic this recipe is, but it does speak to my Filipina tastebuds and will be made in my kitchen soon! :) From the food blog Coffee and Vanilla, very slightly adapted to reflect personal preference.
    Siopao Pinoy Style Dim Sum
    I've always loved dim sum (deem sum) anytime of the year. The only time I ever have to really devote to making it ends up being around the holidays. We make a different type each day, sample some and freeze the rest to be utilized for special dim sum meals in the future. We normally make a dozen different types; some are more difficult than others. We use several cookbooks and several friends to gather and develop recipes. The book that started it all is: "Classic Deem Sum, recipes from Yank Sing restaurant, San Francisco" (ISBN 0-03-071546-6); it's from my all-time-favorite Dim Sum restaurant in the Bay Area! I get many of my wrapping and decorating ideas from a book (I wish they'd translate to English...), "Chinese Dim Sum in Pictures" (ISBN: 962-14-2257) this one has VERY detailed pictures of prepping and wrapping, but it’s all in Chinese so I use it in tandem with other books to achieve a recipe and wrapping ideas, another good recipe book is "Chinese Dim Sum" (ISBN: 978-0-941676-24-3). This includes the recipes translated into English AND some great detailed pictures of the preparation and wrapping process. This recipe details a Filipino (Pinoy) style recipe of a Hong Kong Classic, Siopao