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  1. Oct 6, 2022 · The 5 types of fever are intermittent, remittent, continuous or sustained, hectic, and relapsing. Fever is a sign that your body is fighting an infection or illness. Learn the signs of fever, what causes fever, how doctors diagnose fever, and what you can do to treat fever.

  2. Remittent fever is a type or pattern of fever in which temperature does not touch the baseline and remains above normal throughout the day. Daily variation in temperature is more than 1°C in 24 hours, which is also the main difference as compared to continuous fever.

  3. This process is called remittent fever. Doctors no longer think that the pattern of the rise and fall of fever is very important in the diagnosis of certain disorders. Body temperature can be measured at several areas of the body.

  4. Mar 31, 2020 · Remittent fever. This is a daily fever that is always higher than normal but may fluctuate as much as 3.6°F (2°C) throughout the day. Common causes may include:

  5. Nov 16, 2023 · A fever is when you have a brief rise in body temperature that’s higher than your normal body temperature. It’s also called a high temperature, hyperthermia, or pyrexia.

  6. There are five patterns: intermittent, remittent, continuous or sustained, hectic, and relapsing. With intermittent fever, the temperature is elevated but falls to normal (37.2°C or below) each day, while in a remittent fever the temperature falls each day but not to normal.

  7. A remittent or intermittent fever can be considered hectic. Continuous (or sustained) fever - Continuous fever is a steady, prolonged fever, with no change or slight fluctuations throughout the day; Relapsing fever - This type is an intermittent fever that spikes again after days or weeks of having a normal body temperature

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