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  1. Jun 1, 2023 · The most prominent signs of RMSF include fever, lethargy, appetite loss, decreased red blood cells, decreased platelets, rash, and lesions in the eyes. Other signs may include tremors, swollen...

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  3. In dogs, the signs of RMSF can be vague and non-specific. Typically, a dog that has become infected may have one or more of the following clinical signs: poor appetite, muscle or joint pain, fever, coughing, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, swelling of the face or legs, or depression. "In dogs, the signs of RMSF can be vague and non-specific."

  4. Symptoms of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. If your dog was bitten by a potentially infected tick, what happens now? Once the rickettsial bacteria have been delivered into the dog, it generally takes between 2 to 14 days for the symptoms of Rocky Mountain spotted fever to manifest.

  5. Dogs presenting with characteristic clinical signs of Rocky Mountain spotted fever, particularly fever or neurologic abnormalities, should be assessed for RMSF, and it is crucial to maintain an index of suspicion in areas where the tick vectors may be found.

  6. Early signs may include fever (up to 105°F [40.5°C]), loss of appetite, enlargement of the lymph nodes, inflammation of several joints, coughing or difficulty in breathing, abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea, and swelling of the face or extremities.

  7. Feb 25, 2022 · Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is a disease transmitted to dogs by ticks infected with the Rickettsia rickettsii bacteria. This disease, if not diagnosed and treated early, can have devastating effects on dogs.

  8. Jul 21, 2014 · Common signs include fever, lethargy, inappetence, pain, eye/nose discharge, nosebleed, cough, enlarged lymph nodes, lameness, skin necrosis/sloughing, hemorrhage, and peripheral swelling. Petechial hemorrhages (tiny hemorrhages in the skin) will occur in about 20% of affected dogs.

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