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  1. Sep 14, 2020 · Roger McKenzie is a trade unionist and socialist who is standing to be the next general secretary of Unison, one of the UK’s largest unions. A former chair of the Labour Party’s Black Sections, McKenzie has also worked as a union education tutor, and was co-chair of the Anti-Racist Alliance.

  2. Mar 16, 2021 · Blog: The government can still address racism properly. Assistant general secretary Roger McKenzie looks at the background to the report from the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities and examines its failings. Black workers racism.

  3. Oct 20, 2020 · Roger McKenzie, one of four candidates running to become the General Secretary of Unison – the UK’s largest union – has opened up to Left Foot Forward about his experiences of racism, and how he first got involved in the trade union movement.

  4. Roger McKenzie announces candidacy for UNISON General Secretary | "I'm humbled and delighted to be able to announce today, that I'm going to be a candidate to be the next General Secretary of UNISON" Join the campaign:... | By Roger McKenzie | Hello, my name is Roger McKenzie.

  5. Roger has many years of experience at the most senior levels of the trade union movement in the UK where he served for more than a decade as assistant general secretary of Unison, the country’s largest union. Roger was also a member of the Trades Union Congress General Council.

  6. Aug 5, 2020 · Unison general secretary candidate Roger McKenzie on his plans to revive organising in the union, grow its activist base, transform the social care sector – and defend Labour's pro-worker policies.

  7. I'm Roger Mckenzie and this is my blog about organising. Decidedly nothing to do with who I work for.

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