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  1. Round Cake Pan Meaning In Cooking - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Creamy Chocolate Cheesecake
    Not exactly a part of the bikini body diet, this creamy chocolate cheesecake is a decadent treat that should be enjoyed by chocolate lovers every once in a while. Made with a homemade buttery graham cracker crust, it perfectly blends the dreaminess of cream cheese with the richness of melted chocolate. Light and creamy, the cheesecake filling pairs well with the melted chocolate topping. It's a chocolate twist on the classic American dessert, ideal for nearly any gathering. It's elegant enough to enjoy for a special occasion, and yet works just as well for a casual birthday party or baby shower. It's the perfect cheesecake to serve at your holiday party, and works all year round. While it may sound complicated to prepare this recipe, the total time to make this cheesecake isn't actually all that long. You will, however, want to leave time to refrigerate it overnight, or at least five hours. From there you'll need about 35 minutes of cook time. If you want to cut down on prep time, you can use a pre-made crust for your cheesecake, but nothing beats the flavor of this homemade graham cracker crust! ## Variations While this chocolate cheesecake is amazing on its own, here are some ideas for putting a unique spin on the recipe. _Top with fruit:_ Add fresh blueberries, strawberries, or whatever seasonal fruit you have on hand. If the berries aren’t as sweet as you like, toss them in a bowl with a teaspoon of sugar and let sit for 20 minutes until they start to release some of their juices. _Add vanilla:_ For a subtle hint of vanilla to balance the chocolate flavor, add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to your cheesecake batter. _Cookie crust:_ Prepare the crust the same way, and simply swap your favorite cookies or Oreo cookies for graham crackers to double the chocolate while keeping that extra crunch. If you don't have Oreos on hand, try using any type of cookie crumbs for a similar flavor and texture. _Add nuts:_ Chopped pecans, almonds, or walnuts are a wonderful addition to this cheesecake. Simply sprinkle a handful over the top after topping it with the melted chocolate. _Dust with cocoa:_ instead of a chocolate drizzle, add a light dusting of unsweetened cocoa powder to complete the cake. _Add chocolate chips:_ add a bit of texture to your cheesecake by mixing in a cup of semi-sweet chocolate chips or dark chocolate chunks. Add at the very end and avoid over mixing the chocolate. _Add caramel sauce:_ Instead of a chocolate drizzle, try caramel sauce to jazz up this chocolate cheesecake. _Add chocolate curls:_ Decorate your cheesecake with chocolate curls for an elegant spin on this cake recipe. ## Recipe Tips _Allow it to cool in order to prevent cracking:_ if it does crack, you can spread a thin film of sour cream over the top; the chocolate topping should cover it well. _Soften the cream cheese:_ because cold cream cheese won’t blend smoothly, it should be very soft. Leave it out for at least two hours if possible before baking. _Keep eggs and cream at room temperature:_ batters made with cold ingredients don’t come together as smoothly, so leave eggs and cream out as well. _Use a water bath:_ some cheesecake recipes call for a water bath, which is a method that helps your cheesecake bake gently without burning or cracking, and maintain a silky smooth texture. While you don't necessarily need it, feel free to use it in this recipe. To create a water bath, wrap the bottom of the baking pan in aluminum foil to waterproof it, and then place the baking pan into a larger pan that’s been filled partially with hot water. Using a water bath prevents the pan from being exposed to direct heat while it bakes. The gentler heat means the cake bakes slowly, and prevents the cake from cracking or collapsing after you remove it from the oven.
    Khaman Dhokla with Paneer Jhalfrezi
    Food Network
    Khaman dhokla is an irresistible Gujarati snack made with Indian split pea flour. It’s steamed and has the texture of a soft sponge cake, but at the same time it’s savory, a tad sweet and just slightly sour. It’s easy to make, looks amazing and is a huge crowd pleaser. Dhokla is traditionally made in a round pan and served with a peppy fresh green chutney, but in this recipe, I make it in a ring pan and serve it with paneer jhalfrezi to make it a special meal. In India we love improvising, and the rich, tangy and slightly crunchy paneer (Indian cheese) in curry sauce complements the soft dhokla and takes this recipe to another level. The paneer jhalfrezi element of this meal is a dish in itself, jhalfrezi being one of the most popular curries in England, second only to the ubiquitous tikka masala. Jhal means spicy in Bengali and frezi means stir-fry, and the dish can be made with almost any protein. It’s an Anglo-Indian invention that originated when India was a British colony, invented by Bangladeshi cooks as a way to use leftover roast meat. Inspired by Chinese stir-frying techniques, the meat was cooked quickly with peppers and spices. Jhalfrezi is now popular worldwide and has been subject to many delicious variations. This is a vegetarian version that’s bright, colorful and luscious.