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  1. Our Romans inductive Bible study guide has 21 free lessons. Each lesson contains questions, study notes, cross-references and practical applications.

  2. Apr 24, 2019 · This free Bible study on the letter to the Romans includes: A full 13-part video Bible study. The most popular verses from Romans. Facebook covers with Bible verses from Romans.

    • rupert king of the romans bible study lessons1
    • rupert king of the romans bible study lessons2
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    • rupert king of the romans bible study lessons4
    • We are all sinners. (Chapters 1 & 2) In Romans chapters 1 & 2, we see that man’s sin is both intense and serious. It is worthy of God’s judgement. Once we understand the intensity and the seriousness of our sin – we realize we really aren’t as good as we thought.
    • Jesus is our only salvation. (Romans 3-6) In Roman chapters 3 through 6, we are given hope! Through our faith in Jesus’ saving grace, we are justified, redeemed and declared righteous!
    • We experience God in our suffering. (Romans 5) When God saved us from our sins, we escaped his coming wrath but we don’t get to escape all the hardships that come along with this life.
    • There is no rejection, no condemnation and no separation for those in Christ Jesus. (Romans 7 & 8) We will always wrestle with sin (Romans 7) but we do not have to do good works to avoid punishment.
    • Topical Bible Studies
    • Workbooks with Study Notes
    • Abbreviations Used in These Notes
    • Theme
    • Summary of key terms
    • Suppress the truth in unrighteousness
    • His eternal power and Godhead
    • evil-mindedness
    • haters of God
    • violent
    • boasters
    • Conclusion
    • No respect of persons or partiality with God
    • Applications to Calvinism and unconditional election
    • Instruct the foolish, teach babes, having the form of knowledge and truth in the law
    • If some did not believe, will that make God’s faithfulness without effect?
    • If man’s sin is justified by the fact that it demonstrates the glory of God’s truthfulness, why was Paul judged as a sinner?
    • The conclusion would be: “Let us do evil that good may come”?
    • None understands; none seeks after God.
    • Whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law.
    • The plan of righteousness was “apart from the law.”
    • Does this prove works and law are not essential under the gospel?
    • “Where there is no law, there is no transgression.”
    • We rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
    • Jesus died for sinners who were without strength.
    • Obedience must come from the heart.
    • willing to turn from sin and live in faithful service to God.
    • The law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin.
    • Christ can deliver from the death of sin.
    • We are killed all day long, counted as sheep for the slaughter.
    • We are more than conquerors.
    • Chapters 9-11 – God’s Eternal Purpose Required Using Israel.
    • So, God has mercy on whom He wills and hardens whom He wills.
    • Some may object that no one is resisting God’s will, so why does He find fault?
    • The potter and the clay
    • God endured with vessels of wrath prepared for destruction.
    • “How shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed?”
    • Branches were broken off for their unbelief.
    • The olive tree and infant baptism
    • Giving preference to one another
    • Resisting authority
    • Rulers are a terror to evil works, not good works.
    • Owe no man.
    • Love for a neighbor leads to obeying other commands.
    • “One who is weak in the faith”
    • Class study note:
    • “But not to disputes over doubtful things” (NKJV)
    • Do not judge or despise one another.
    • Required Things
    • Required Things
    • What about drinking wine?
    • 1 Peter 4:3
    • What then did Paul mean by “drinking wine”?
    • People Offended or Hindered by Whatever Course We Take
    • Distinguishing between Conscience and Personal Preference
    • Examples
    • The Old Testament prophesied the acceptance of the Gentiles.
    • Mary labored much for us.
    • Apelles, approved in Christ
    • Those of the household of Aristobulus
    • Herodion, my countryman
    • Those who are of the household of Narcissus who are in the Lord
    • Tryphena and Tryphosa, who have labored in the Lord
    • 2. Does God Bring to Power Each Specific Form of Government and/or Each Specific Ruler?
    • Some argue that the death penalty is too severe.
    • 5. May a Christian Go to War for His Government?
    • Israel surely fought against its enemies in the Old Testament.
    • Many Roman soldiers were more like policemen than warriors.

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    Growing a Godly Marriage & Raising Godly Children Why Believe in God, Jesus, and the Bible? (evidences) The God of the Bible (study of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) Grace, Faith, and Obedience: The Gospel or Calvinism? Kingdom of Christ: Future Millennium or Present Spiritual Reign? Do Not Sin Against the Child: Abortion, Unborn Life, & the Bib...

    Jesus Is Lord: Workbook on the Fundamentals of the Gospel of Christ Following Jesus: Workbook on Discipleship God’s Eternal Purpose in Christ: Workbook on the Theme of the Bible

    ASV – American Standard Version b/c/v – book, chapter, and verse ESV – English Standard Version f – the following verse ff – the following verses KJV – King James Version NASB – New American Standard Bible NEB – New English Bible NIV – New International Version NKJV – New King James Version RSV – Revised Standard Version

    Justification for all men is through the gospel rather than through works of the Old Testament law. Romans is generally considered to be one of the most difficult New Testament books to understand, mainly because it includes in-depth discussion of challenging issues about justification. It is meat, not milk.

    The following terms are key to understanding the book. We will define and examine them before we begin the book. Since Romans is a difficult book, remember that none of its teachings will ever contradict the simpler teachings found in other New Testament books.

    When men live in unrighteousness, as described in the context, they suppress (“hinder” – ASV, “hold down” – NKJV footnote) the truth. They may be guilty of this in several ways. As shown by the context, they suppress the truth and its power in their own lives by refusing to live by it. They refuse to accept God and His will, but live rather in idol...

    Not everything about God can be known by observing the Universe. We cannot know all of His attributes, let alone can we know His will for us and how we ought to live. But we can know that the true God exists – i.e., we can know His Deity or Godhead. Whoever made the Universe, that is God, because only God could make the Universe. We can also know H...

    This is also translated “malignity” or “maliciousness.” It is similar to the previous word for “malice.” Vine adds that it is an evil disposition that tends to put the worst construction on everything. Perhaps the idea is malice, but especially that which is always attributing the worst to others. It is the attitude that leads sinful people to accu...

    This term is surely appropriate for the Gentiles described in this context. They refused to acknowledge God despite the evidence that they had seen. This amounts to hating God, and in many cases involves open opposition to the true God. Some will plainly speak their hatred of God’s will and His Divine revelation. But whether one admits it or not, o...

    Other translations have here “insolent.” This is closely related to “pride,” the next item in the list. The NKJV emphasizes how this pride and haughtiness often leads people to act harmfully toward others. Thayer shows that it also includes speaking insults to another, again done for the purpose of hurting them. The common element in all these defi...

    A boaster is one who displays his alleged achievements and good qualities so others can exalt and honor him. It is closely related to the previous term “proud,” in that an arrogant person wants to be treated as more important than others. He wants everyone to praise him and view him as better than others. One way to try to accomplish this is to bra...

    Paul’s description of the sins of the Gentiles is graphic and extremely repulsive. Surely, such conduct must be firmly rebuked as evil. Yet, we must remember that Paul’s real point here is that these people need the gospel. The goal is not to dismiss them all as hopeless. God basically left them alone in their sins in many cases and for many years....

    This is the point to which Paul has been moving throughout this section. This is why he has emphasized that rewards and punishments will be dispensed on the basis of individual conduct, whether to Jew or Gentile. The point is that the Jews believed they should always have a favored status before God. They anticipated that God would grant them all...

    The principle of God’s impartiality is applied here specifically to the distinction between Jew and Gentile (verses 9,10,12ff). But is this the only application? What about other national or racial distinctions? Would the principle not apply likewise to black vs. white, Caucasian vs. Hispanic, etc.? Even though that is not Paul’s application here, ...

    Their knowledge of God’s law enabled them to instruct those who were foolish. People who are spiritually foolish are described at length in the book of Proverbs. The foolish man does not know or respect God’s law. As a result, he lacks true wisdom in his life. But the Jew knew God’s law. So he thought he could instruct those who lacked Divine wisdo...

    Having cited the “chief” advantage the Jew had, Paul cites no more advantages. Instead, he continues discussing other questions or objections some Jews might have with his claims that they had sinned and would be judged without partiality. Some might think that, if God punished the Jews for their unbelief (and other sins), that would mean God was...

    This appears to continue to answer the argument of verse 5. If the sins of the Jews should be overlooked on the grounds that they gave God an opportunity to demonstrate His faithfulness (or on any other such grounds), then why wouldn’t the same argument apply to Paul, who was also a Jew? The Jews believed Paul had defected from the truth when he be...

    If we are justified in sinning so God can be glorified, then that would mean we are justified in doing evil in order to produce good. “The end justifies the means.” Apparently, even the Jews knew such an approach was not proper, yet it would be the consequence of their argument. And furthermore, some had affirmed that Paul taught we may do evil so ...

    The Old Testament passage in English expresses this as though God is seeking to find out whether or not anyone understands or if any seeks God. But the result of the inquiry is that all have turned aside. Again, this does not mean that people never understand anything about God or that no one ever seeks to know Him or do His will. Many people see...

    Paul reminds us that the law speaks to those who are subject to it. The contents of the law have little meaning to people who are not subject to it. But who was subject to the law that Paul has been quoting? The law was given to the Jews, the nation of Israel. So, the clear point is that, when these passages described the guilt of men, Jews were in...

    Many denominationalists attempt to use such statements as this to argue that obedience to Divine commands is not necessary to be saved under the gospel – especially not baptism. However, these statements must be kept in context. We have already repeatedly proved, from statements Paul has already made, that obedience to Divine commands is required t...

    We have agreed that there is a sense in which we are not justified by works of law. But does this mean that no works of any kind are in any way necessary for us to be saved under the gospel? Notice:

    This is a general principle of truth. No one can be held accountable for violating a law that does not exist. Each man is subject only to whatever laws God has placed upon him at the time (3:19). But was there ever a time in the history of mankind when there was no law at all? I know of none. Even Adam and Eve had a command in the garden. So, Paul ...

    God’s grace also gives us joy in the hope of the glory of God. Since the old law could never justify from sins, everybody who violated it would stand condemned. They had neither hope nor joy. But the gospel provides the sacrifice of Jesus that can forgive sins. So we now have grace – favor with God that we do not deserve. This gives us hope, which ...

    The verses say, in several ways, that the people Jesus died for were sinners. They are called “ungodly” (without proper respect for God – verse 6) and sinners (verse 8). They are contrasted to those who are good or righteous (verse 7). The point is that Jesus died as the sacrifice for our sins (as described above). He was not dying for His own si...

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  3. Sep 7, 2017 · Our study of his introduction will give me opportunity to address some important background to this letter Rom. 1:1 Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God,

  4. LESSON #1: Paul’s fulfillment is three-fold. He is: 1) a servant; 2) a sent one; and 3) set apart for the Gospel of God. LESSON #2: The Gospel is from God, anticipated by the prophets, and revealed in a Person, the Lord Jesus.

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  6. Inductive Bible study on Romans 6:1-14. Includes cross references, questions, verse by verse commentary, outline, and applications on Romans 6.

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