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  1. Nov 17, 2020 · Sabbaticals are a powerful tool to address the deep issues of leadership. They can positively impact the mental, emotional, and spiritual health of church leaders. Taking time to step away from ministry can help a pastor recalibrate priorities, seek God in an unhurried way, and clarify what is really important.

  2. Sep 3, 2022 · 1) Jesus Modeled Sabbaticals. Perhaps the best reason we have for pastors and church leaders taking sabbaticals is that Jesus also took sabbaticals during his three years of ministry. Crowds constantly chased Jesus (and when I say crowds, I mean thousands of people).

  3. The answer is: to strengthen your relationship with the Lord. The word “sabbatical” comes from the word “Sabbath,” which is a day of rest dedicated to God. Essentially, a sabbatical is several Sabbaths put together.

  4. A sabbatical creates time to pray, seek God, walk with Jesus, and strategically plan for the future. It is a time to seek the Spirit's leading for the congregation's welfare and to identify God’s leading regarding ministry development, teaching focus, and the overall life of the church.

  5. Jan 14, 2014 · Sabbatical was forced detox—8,400 feet of elevation, not a cell tower in sight. It was refreshing. Sabbatical gave us the gift of quiet and simplicity. Sabbaticals remind us of the joy of our calling. With only two weeks left, I thought our big “God moments” were winding down. I was wrong.

  6. Jun 22, 2022 · The Sabbath. The first and most known sabbath in Scripture is the weekly, seventh-day sabbath from Exodus 20:8-11. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God.

  7. Feb 8, 2019 · The right time to take a sabbatical is before it is needed. When a sabbatical is taken too late, it can be hard for the pastor to return to the church – too much damage has been done. Most denominations recommend a pastor take a sabbatical every five to seven years.

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