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  1. For more than 80 years, subtyping of Salmonella enterica has been routinely performed by serotyping, a method in which surface antigens are identified based on agglutination reactions with specific antibodies. The serotyping scheme, which is continuously updated as new serovars are discovered, has g …

  2. All chickens except those in the Cont and Pro groups were gavaged with 1×108 cfu/mL of S. enterica subsp. enterica 4 days after hatching. Results: Our results indicated that body weight, weight gain, and feed conversion ratio of birds were significantly reduced (p. 0.05) by Salmonella challenge. Chickens challenged with Salmonella decreased ...

  3. Sep 9, 2020 · To study the effect of enrofloxacin on Salmonella in the chicken cecum, we used different concentrations of enrofloxacin to feed 1-day-old chickens, followed by oral challenge with Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium).

  4. Judicial Commission of the Internat. The type species of the genus Salmonella Lignieres 1900 is Salmonella enterica (ex Kauffmann and Edwards 1952) Le Minor and Popoff 1987, with the type strain LT2T, and conservation of the epithet enterica in Salmonella enterica over all earlier epithets that may be applied to this species. Opinion 80.

  5. The aim of this study was to investigate the anti-infective activity of punicalagin in a mouse model. C57BL/6 mice were initially challenged with Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar typhimurium (S. typhimurium) and then treated with punicalagin. Food and water consumption and body weight were recorded daily.

  6. Etiologie a epidemiologie [upravit | editovat zdroj]. Zdrojem nákazy je infikované zvíře, vzácně člověk. Vehikulem infekce je kontaminovaná potrava – nedostatečně zpracované výrobky z masa a vajec (majonézy, vaječné krémy, zmrzlina, sekaná, tlačenka aj., zejména pak neznámého nebo nespolehlivého původu).

  7. May 2, 2012 · Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium is responsible for the majority of salmonellosis cases worldwide. This Salmonella serovar is also responsible for die-offs in songbird populations. In 2009, there was an S. Typhimurium epizootic ...

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