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  1. Sekulaari humanismi on korostuneesti uskonnotonta humanismia. [1] Kansainvälisen sekulaarin humanistisen ja eettisen liiton IHEU määritelmän mukaan ”humanismi on kansanvaltainen eettinen elämänkäsitys , jonka mukaan ihmisillä on oikeus ja velvollisuus antaa merkitys ja muoto omalle elämälleen.

  2. The Secular Humanist League of Brazil, or LiHS, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to skepticism, separation of church and state, scientific literacy and human rights, tenets of secular humanism. It was founded in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on February 1, 2010.

  3. The Norwegian Humanist Association (Norwegian: Human-Etisk Forbund; HEF) is one of the largest secular humanist associations in the world, with over 130,000 members. [1] Those members constitute 2.3% of the national population of 5.47 million, [ 2 ] making HEF by far the largest such association in the world in proportion to population.

  4. In addition to the Amsterdam Declaration's "official statement of World Humanism", Humanists International provides a "Minimum Statement on Humanism": [9] Humanism is a democratic and ethical life stance, which affirms that human beings have the right and responsibility to give meaning and shape to their own lives. It stands for the building of ...

  5. › wiki › Bart_CampoloBart Campolo - Wikipedia

    Bart Campolo (born April 2, 1963) is an American humanist speaker and writer. He is the son of Tony Campolo , and was a pastor before transitioning from Christianity to secular humanism. [ 1 ] Campolo is the co-founder of Mission Year and the author of several books including Kingdom Works: True Stories of God and His People in Inner City ...

  6. Theistic Humanism is the combination of humanistic ideals, particularly the idea that ideals and morals stem from society, with a belief in the supernatural and transcendental. [1] [2] It is frequently invoked as a form of spiritual opposition to monotheism .

  7. A Secular Age is a book written by the philosopher Charles Taylor which was published in 2007 by Harvard University Press on the basis of Taylor's earlier Gifford Lectures (Edinburgh 1998–99). The noted sociologist Robert Bellah [ 1 ] has referred to A Secular Age as "one of the most important books to be written in my lifetime."

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