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  1. Jul 31, 2015 · Entire Play Twelfth Nightan allusion to the night of festivity preceding the Christian celebration of the Epiphany—combines love, confusion, mistaken identities, and joyful discovery.After the twins Sebastian and Viola survive a shipwreck, neither knows that the other is alive. Viola goes into service with Count Orsino of Illyria ...

  2. [Sings] 'O, the twelfth day of December,'— 785; Maria. For the love o' God, peace! [Enter MALVOLIO] Malvolio. My masters, are you mad? or what are you? Have ye no wit, manners, nor honesty, but to gabble like tinkers at this time of night? Do ye make an 790 alehouse of my lady's house, that ye squeak out your

  3. Aug 31, 2021 · Handcolored print, ca. 1830. Folger Shakespeare Library. Twelfth Night is a Christian holiday typically celebrated on January 5 or 6, concluding the 12 days of Christmas and celebrating the visit of the Magi (the three kings). Twelfth….

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  5. Get even more from the Folger You c a n ge t your ow n c opy of t hi s t e xt t o ke e p. P ur c ha s e a f ul l c opy t o ge t t he t e xt , pl us e xpl a na t or y not e s , i l l us t r a t i ons , a nd m or e . Buy a copy F ol ge r S ha ke s pe a r e L i br a r y ht t ps : / / s ha ke s pe a r e .f ol ge r.e du/

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