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    • National Siblings Day 2025

      • Thursday, April 10
  1. › wiki › Siblings_DaySiblings Day - Wikipedia

    Siblings Day is a holiday recognized in parts of the United States and Canada on April 10, [2] and as Brothers and Sisters Day on May 31 in Europe. It honours the relationship of brothers and sisters of all ages.

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  3. › national-siblings-dayNational Siblings Day

    Apr 10, 2020 · Our siblings are our family, and they are a huge part of our lives – that’s why we celebrate them on National Siblings Day every April 10! The holiday is also known as ‘World Siblings Day.’ Siblings are our best friends and sometimes our worst enemies.

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  4. Siblings Day (SD) follows the spirit of Mothers Day and Fathers Day – a great family tradition and celebration of family values. It is an uplifting celebration honoring the people who have shaped our values, beliefs and ideals.

  5. Honor your sibling on Siblings Day, an unofficial holiday celebrated annually on April 10. The day aims to celebrate the very important but often under-appreciated special relationship and bond of love, friendship, and respect shared between siblings.

  6. National Siblings Day (also referred to as Sibling Day) on April 10th each year, honors our brothers and sisters.

  7. Siblings Day follows the spirit of Mothers and Fathers Day, an uplifting celebration honoring people who have helped in our development and who have shaped our values, beliefs, and ideals.

  8. Apr 10, 2024 · National Siblings Day is April 10. The holiday was created in 1995 by Claudia Evart to honor her siblings who died and help spread the love.

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