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  1. The Spanish language is written using the Spanish alphabet, which is the ISO Latin script with one additional letter, eñe ñ , for a total of 27 letters. Although the letters k and w are part of the alphabet, they appear only in loanwords such as karate , kilo , waterpolo and wolframio (tungsten or wolfram) and in sensational spellings : okupa ...

  2. Thus, the Spanish alphabet has the following 27 letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, Ñ, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z. Since 2010, none of the digraphs (ch, ll, rr, gu, qu) are considered letters by the Royal Spanish Academy.

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    When the RAE was founded in 1713, one of its primary objectives was to compile an authoritative Spanish dictionary. Its first statutes said in 1715 that its purpose was to:: 125 The RAE's original motto of limpia, fija y da esplendor (It cleans, stabilises, and gives splendour [to the language]) was in more recent times modified to unifica, limpia y fija (it unifies, cleans, and stabilises). In 1995 it was still expected to "establish and spread the criteria of propriety and correctness".: 12...


    The first dictionary was the six-volume Diccionario de Autoridades (Dictionary of Authorities) from 1726 to 1739. Based on that work, an abridged version was published in 1780, the full title of which was Diccionario de la lengua castellana compuesto por la Real Academia Española, reducido á un tomo para su más fácil uso (Dictionary of the Castilian tongue composed by the Royal Spanish Academy, reduced to one volume for its easier use). According to its prologue, the dictionary was published...

    Until the twenty-first edition, the DLE was published exclusively on paper. The 2001, twenty-second edition was published on paper, CD-ROM, and on the Internet with free access. The 23rd edition of 2014 was made available online with free access,incorporating modifications to be included in the twenty-fourth print edition. Sample entries, with expl...

    From the first edition (1780) through the fourth edition (1803), the dictionary was known as the Diccionario de la lengua castellana compuesto por la Real Academia Española (Dictionary of the Castilian language composed by the Spanish Royal Academy). From the fifth edition (1817) through the fourteenth edition (1914), it was known as the Diccionari...

    Pejorative definitions

    Many Spanish dictionaries have had racial and religious bias over the centuries; the DLE is no exception. Christianity and Catholicism were described in favourable terms; Judaism, Islam, and Protestantism unfavourably. By 2021 few biased definitions remained in the updated online DLE;: iv one that could be considered biased is one of the uses of moro(Moor, i.e. Muslim) – 10: (colloquial) A jealous and possessive man, who dominates his partner. In 2006, the Spanish Federation of Jewish Communi...

    (in Spanish) Tesoro Lexicográfico de la lengua española, database with digital copies of all of the dictionaries edited and published by the RAE.
    (in Spanish) Real Academia Española webpage, with links to both the online version of the dictionary and the one of the Diccionario panhispánico de dudas.
    • Spain
    • Spanish language
  3. The Spanish Alphabet. Quick Answer. How many letters are in the Spanish alphabet? The Spanish alphabet, or abecedario in Spanish, is composed of 27 letters. It includes one letter, la letra ñ, that we don't have in English.

    Spanish Name (s)
    Example Word
    armadillo ( armadillo)
    be or be larga or be alta
    biblioteca ( library)
    carcajada ( loud laugh)
    decidir ( to decide)
  4. May 18, 2023 · The Spanish alphabet is called abecedario or alfabeto and it has 27 letters: the 26 Latin letters of the English alphabet plus one additional letter, ñ. Despite looking like an “n”, ñ (known as “eñe” in Spanish) is a special letter. It’s pronounced like the “ny” in “lanyard” or the “ni” in onion.

  5. Mar 9, 2024 · [ dismiss] Why create a Wikiversity account? Alphabet/Spanish alphabet. < Alphabet. The Spanish alphabet has 27 letters. Synonyms: alfabeto (from Ancient Greek ἄλφα/alfa/alpha, beta ...) and abecedario (from Spanish sounding: a-be-ጀce-da-rio).

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