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  1. Relativity, wide-ranging physical theories formed by the German-born physicist Albert Einstein. Special relativity is limited to objects that are moving with respect to inertial frames of reference. General relativity is concerned with gravity, one of the fundamental forces in the universe.

  2. The theory of relativity usually encompasses two interrelated physics theories by Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity, proposed and published in 1905 and 1915, respectively. Special relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity.

  3. Course Description. The theory of special relativity, originally proposed by Albert Einstein in his famous 1905 paper, has had profound consequences on our view of physics, space, and time. This course will introduce you to the concepts behind special relativity including, but not limited to, length contraction, time dilation, the Lorentz ….

  4. The constancy of the speed of light and the universality of the laws of physics for all observers are cornerstones of special relativity. Starting points and postulates Understand Albert Einstein's theory of relativity, about what is absolute and not relative

  5. This free textbook is an OpenStax resource written to increase student access to high-quality, peer-reviewed learning materials.

  6. In 1905 Albert Einstein developed the theory of special relativity. This theory explains the limit on an objects speed and describes the consequences. Relativity does not only apply to far-reaching and (as yet) unrealized activities like human interstellar travel.

  7. 6 days ago · As it turns out, special relativity is crucial to explaining the correct chemical activity of the elements predicted by chemistry, the behavior of magnetic materials, and the behavior of subatomic particles in particle accelerators, all of which involve particles such as electrons or protons moving at relativistic speeds.

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