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  1. Jan 15, 2024 · Spiritual gifts survey - what are the different spiritual gifts the Bible mentions? How does God distribute spiritual gifts? Is there any value to a spiritual gifts test/inventory/assessment?

  2. Discover your divine purpose with our Spiritual Gifts Chart: a comprehensive guide to biblical gifts for personal & church growth.

  3. spiritual truth effectively to meet a need in a specific situation. 1 Corinthians 12:8; James 3:13-18; 1 Corinthians 2:3-5 - Focus on the unseen consequences in determining the next steps to take. - Provide God-given solutions in the midst of conflict and confusion. - Apply spiritual truth in specific and practical ways. - Sensible - Insightful

  4. This “chart” is only to help you recognize the spiritual gifts (manifestations), not naming or classifying them all, but this was created to make it easier to view them. The 9 Fruit are the evidence of the indwelling Christ: making you more like Jesus .

  5. Feb 25, 2022 · Chart Summary of the Spiritual Gifts. Multiple Resources on Spiritual Gifts. SPIRITUAL GIFTS. CHRIST IS THE CENTER. BELIEVERS ARE HIS MEMBERS. SPIRITUAL GIFTS: DEVOTIONALS, QUOTES, ILLUSTRATIONS. C H Spurgeon - The spiritual gifts of the church are for the good of the rebels as well as for the building up of those who are reconciled.

  6. There is no “magical formula” for identifying and developing spiritual gifts. That said; this packet of information can assist you as you seek to understand your spiritual gifts and your role in the Body of Christ. #1 Be prayerful. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach and guide you as you learn about spiritual gifts and search out what He

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  8. Jul 10, 2021 · Spiritual Gifts Comparison Chart Romans 12:6-8 1 Cor 12:8-10 1 Cor. 12:28 Eph. 4:11 1 Tim 2:7 1Pet. 4:11 Prophecy profhteiva prophecy / profhteiva Service / diakoniva Service / diakoniva Teaches / didavskw Exhortation parakalevw Giving / metadivdwmi Leading / proi?sthmi Mercy /ejleavw Word of Wisdom lovgoV sofivaV Word of Knowledge lovgoV gnwvsewV

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