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  1. Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a potentially fatal rickettsial infection that is transmitted by dog ticks and wood ticks. It causes a rash, headache, and high fever. People become infected when a tick carrying the infection bites them.

  2. Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii and transmitted by ixodid ticks. Symptoms are high fever, severe headache, and rash. (See also Overview of Rickettsial and Related Infections.) Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a rickettsial disease. Epidemiology of RMSF. RMSF is limited to the Western Hemisphere.

  3. Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is an infection caused by the bite of an infected tick. It may occur anytime the weather is warm, but it most often occurs from April until September. It was first recognized in the Rocky Mountain states. But it may occur throughout the U.S.

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