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  1. Hermann Karl Hesse, írói álneve: Emil Sinclair ( Calw, 1877. július 2. – Svájc, Montagnola, 1962. augusztus 9.) irodalmi Nobel-díjas német-svájci író, költő és festő, az újromantika kimagasló képviselője. A 20. század művelődéstörténetének egyik legnagyobb hatású alakja. Jelentős nyomot hagyott nemcsak a német ...

  2. Stepní vlk ( 1927, Der Steppenwolf) je psychologicko - filozofický román německo - švýcarského spisovatele Hermanna Hesseho, nositele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu za rok 1946 .

  3. 荒原狼》(也譯作荒野之狼,德语: Der Steppenwolf )這是一本德國、瑞士小說家赫爾曼·黑塞所著作的自傳體小說。 背景 [ 编辑 ] 這本1928年出版的小說反映黑塞在1920年代心靈所面臨的危機。

  4. Hermann Hesse is a writer who wrote the book Steppenwolf in 1928. Hesse used an existentialist idea from Kierkegaard to write this book. Jean-Paul Sartre wrote novels such as Iron in the Soul that have existential themes. The people in Jean-Paul Sartre's stories often faced death, and had to make hard choices.

  5. "Steppenwolf" - a novel that was aimed at depicting the German reality of the 1920s. In it Hermann Hesse searched for ways of forming a human personality. The writer was interested not only in the external world of a sensitive person, but also in the internal conflict, so-called confrontation between the spiritual and the sensual.

  6. Steppenwolf: English translations discussion. I decided to re-read Steppenwolf in English after several years have passed since I last read it (in another language). So far, I learned about these translations: (1929) Translated by Basil Creighton. (1963 or 1969) Translated by Basil Creighton; Revised by Joseph Mileck and Borst Frenz - See below ...

  7. Journey to the East. Narcissus and Goldmund ( German: Narziß und Goldmund, pronounced [naʁˈtsɪs ʔʊnt ˈɡɔltmʊnt] ), also published in English as Death and the Lover, is a novel written by the German-Swiss author Hermann Hesse which was first published in 1930. At its publication, Narcissus and Goldmund was considered Hesse's literary ...

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