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  1. Steven Grant Rogers is a superhero primarily portrayed by Chris Evans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) media franchise—based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name—commonly known by his alias, Captain America.

  2. Jul 3, 2024 · Captain America played a major role in rallying his squadmates together long enough to fight off the Chitauri, apprehend Loki, and recover the Tesseract. Then Steve Rogers ate shawarma for the first time as the media celebrated the Avengers' victory, and specifically Captain America's leading role in winning the day.

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  3. Rogues Gallery: Most members of his comic book rogues gallery are present and have ties to him personally more than any other hero. They are Red Skull, Arnim Zola, Batroc, Crossbones, Winter Soldier, Alexander Pierce (an expy of Aleksander Lukin), Baron von Strucker, Zemo, and HYDRA in general.

    • Overview
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    Captain Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers (born July 4, 1918), also known as Captain America, is one of the protagonists of the Infinity Saga in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

    He is portrayed by Chris Evans (who also played The Human Torch in the 2005 Marvel film Fantastic Four and its sequel Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, Curtis Everett from Snowpiercer, Casey Jones in the 2007 CGI TMNT film, and Buzz Lightyear in the 2022 animated film Lightyear) as a young man, while also portrayed by Patrick Gorman as an old man in Avengers: Endgame.

    Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers was born on July 4, 1918 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York to Joseph and Sarah Rogers. Before Steve was born, his father was confirmed to have been killed in action in World War I, leaving his mother to raise him. When he was young, Steve met and befriended Bucky Barnes, who would fight off bullies for him due to Steve suffering from many illnesses (e.g. asthma, scarlet fever).

    Steve attended George Washington High School in Brooklyn from 1932 to 1936, and later attended Auburndale Art School from 1937 to 1938. During this time, Bucky managed to convince Steve to ride the Cyclone, resulting in the latter to throw up, and one time the two had to ride back to Brooklyn in the back of the freezer truck.

    In 1936, his mother died of tuberculosis, and was buried next to his father. After the funeral, Bucky comforted Steve, offering to allow Steve to move in with him. When Steve declined, believing he could get by on his own, Bucky assured him him he was with him "to the end of the line". A year later, Steve and Bucky found out that the United States had joined the Second World War after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

    Steve wanted to join the army to fight against the Nazis, and had Bucky train him for two weeks at Goldie's Boxing Gym. Soon after, the two went to a U.S. Recruiting and Induction Center, but Steve was classified 4F and rejected from service, as Bucky was enlisted.


    •Super Soldier Serum: The Super-Soldier Serum (SSS) metabolized and enhanced all of Rogers' bodily functions to a superhuman level. Colonel Chester Phillips describes the Strategic Science & Research (S.S.R.) program as the means of creating the first in a new line of 'Super Soldiers' to win WWII. Dr. Abraham Erskine chose Steven Rogers as the first test subject. With the aid of the machine invented by Howard Stark, Dr. Erskine injects Rogers with a special serum and dosing him with "vita-rays". Afterward, Rogers emerges from the experiment taller and muscular. •Artificially Enhanced Physiology: As a Super Soldier, Steve Rogers possesses superhuman abilities, such as inhuman intelligence, strength, speed, durability, agility, stamina, dexterity, and reflexes, as well as a healing factor that prevents him from being drunk. The serum metabolized and enhanced all of Steve's natural anatomical abilities well beyond even the peak of human potential, pushing into the middle levels of superhuman condition. It transformed a frail and sickly Steve into the "perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning. Although the SSS has definite limits, even without training Rogers' physiology surpasses that of any enhanced human. Rogers maintains an overall healthy lifestyle including a regular exercise regimen and a balanced diet. This appears to have increased his capabilities further, much like how it increases strength in non-enhanced humans. •Superhuman Strength: Rogers' strength is immensely superhuman far beyond the peak of human potential. Rogers has displayed moderate levels of superhuman strength, His incredible strength allows him to physically overpower combatants, including elite-trained humans, extraterrestrial troops, and robot sentries. He can effortlessly bend metal bars, slam through solid walls and reinforced glass, and pry open steel doors, and briefly hold back an accelerating helicopter. In combat, his immense strength allows him to send enemies flying several meters in the air from mere punches and kicks. He can even generate enough force to have his shield pierce the metal frame of a Quinjet. However, his strength is absolutely no match against the likes of Hulk and beings from other realms, such as Loki and Thor, who possesses god-like strength, even when he was able to briefly hold Loki at bay when the latter only trying to get him to submit. Nonetheless, his combination of strength, extremely effective muscle control, and highly refined combat skills make him an incredibly formidable opponent to those that would try to attack him. During his USO tours, Rogers was able to lift a motorcycle frame with three showgirls sitting on top without any strain. With one hand, Rogers can lift a grown man over his head and throw him like a rag doll. He was also able to pull himself away from the immense magnetic force applied on his hand by a magnetic lock, which most others cannot achieve. Steve Rogers was able to lift a massive metal support beam to save a trapped Winter Soldier, while he was critically injured. He also supported falling debris from a collapsing building to save Black Widow and himself from being crushed. When chopping wood, Rogers ripped apart a block of wood trunk in half with his bare hands. He has been able to throw a moving motorcycle at a jeep and with considerable effort, he was able to support the weight of an entire car during Ultron's initial attack on Sokovia. He stopped a helicopter piloted by Winter Soldier from lifting off by pulling on its landing gear. In Lagos, Rogers kicked a pickup truck several yards with enough force to send an enemy soldier flying away upon impact with this truck. Although no match for god-like beings like Thor, Loki, Thanos, Hulk, surpassed by Ultron, Iron Man and Spider Man and his enhancements being equaled by the also enhanced Winter Soldier and Black Panther, Steve's combination of strength, extraordinary muscle control and tremendous fighting prowess allowed him to compensate against those beings: He was able to fight against Loki long enough for Tony to save him, even staggering him a bit with his blows, overpower and restrain Winter Soldier firmly by the arm and even broke said arm and left him unconscious after an extended period of choke-holding him, later on, demonstrating being able to hold off Winter Soldier's cybernetic arm combined with his naturally superhumanly strong arm for a time and effectively enough to avoid being knocked out despite getting overpowered and punched through an elevator shaft, stand up to Ultron's second body and even toss him through a solid pillar, force back the combined might of Black Panther and War Machine, knocking Black Panther far away with a kick and grounding Rhodes in his armor while breaking his electro-staff, easily break out of Spider Man's webs by using it to pull Spider Man to him and knocked him down repeatedly while holding back, pummel Tony in his Mark XLVI armor and even pinned him down when he had activated his repulsors mid-fight, dismantled pieces of the armor and destroy its arc reactor with a single blow from his shield, held back Midnight's attempt to stab Black Widow, tackled down Glaive, knocked him down with a strong punch from his vibranium gauntlets, and even most impressively, with all his strength fueling his determination, held back Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet hand, albeit not using nearly his full strength, when he already had the Power Stone, the Soul Stone, the Time Stone, the Space Stone and the Reality Stone respectively installed inside it, surprising Thanos, staggering him somewhat with punches from his vibranium gauntlets. He later could make Thanos slightly stumble back when kicking him despite the Mad Titan's armor and was able to hold him firmly enough that Thanos display some visible effort to break free. In addition, although he cannot compare to beings of god-like strength, Steve has little trouble against lesser superhumanly powerful aliens, as he could easily overpower several Chitauri soldiers, lifting and throwing them away, and with his vibranium gauntlets, he could tear through the durable skin of Outriders and kill many of them off, or robots, as he could overpower many Ultron Sentries and rip them apart with his bare hands. •Superhuman Speed: Steve can run and move at speeds beyond the peak of human potential, moving into the early levels of superhuman condition. He can keep up with most standard vehicles and cover a small area such as city blocks within a short period of time. Sam Wilson stated that Steve ran over 13 miles in less than 30 minutes, during their first encounter. Even while completely unmatched, Steve was quick enough to surprise Quicksilver and knock him out with his shield. He accomplished this feat again with the exceptionally fast Thanos, surprising him enough to land three hits on him. Although, Rogers' speed rivals with Winter Soldier or Black Panther; however, Winter Soldier and Black Panther are capable of outrunning him in a chase due to their head start, forcing him to resort to hijacking a car to catch up. Nevertheless, Rogers proves to be as fast as them, as shown during the Battle of Wakanda, when he ran at equal speeds with T'Challa when rushing towards the Outriders. •Superhuman Durability: Steve's bones and muscles are vastly denser and harder than non-superhuman humans, which makes him incredibly durable. Though he is not bulletproof, he can survive extreme blunt force trauma such as being hit with solid objects like his own shield, or contact with superhuman opponents like Loki, Iron Man, the Winter Soldier, and the Red Skull. With his vibranium shield, he is capable of surviving falls from immense heights that would absolutely kill a human. Steve was tasered, shot, stabbed, caught in several explosions, and took several beatings including: being blasted through a city bus by a launched grenade, falling from the 30th floor of Triskelion, and getting beaten by the metal arm of Winter Soldier in the face multiple times. With his enhanced physiology, Rogers was able to recover and continue fighting after taking such powerful blows in efficient time. Another great example of his durability is when Rumlow tried to taze him with the Taser Rod. He was able to resist it for more than 5 seconds with endurable discomfort whereas normal humans would become unconscious within a second of contact. He also dropped down to one if Project Insight's helicarrier at a considerable height. Steve was able to dive out of a Quinjet without a parachute into open water. Steve was also able to take the full power of both Ultron's blasts and Iron Man's repulsors straight in the chest, as well as Scarlet Witch's telekinetic bolts and a super-accelerated punch from Quicksilver, all without any noticeable damage whatsoever, while he got back up immediately after all of these. Rogers was even able to withstand being telekinetically knocked away by Thanos using the Infinity Gauntlet and quickly recover to stand against the Mad Titan for a while on his own. Even after being briefly incapacitated by a powerful punch from Thanos, Rogers was once again able to eventually get back up on his feet. •Superhuman Agility: Rogers' agility is superhuman to be greater than that of an Olympic gold medalist and the world's greatest acrobats. He can coordinate his body with perfect balance, equilibrium, flexibility, and dexterity. He can reach very high places with great ease. While escaping the destruction of the HYDRA base that Bucky was held captive in, he was able to leap from one end of the complex to the other side in order to escape. During his chase of the Winter Soldier, Steve was able to leap outside his apartment into the building across the street to the next building. He can leap over cars with simple running moves. Steve uses his supremely superhuman agility to perform amazing parkour and gymnastic moves that would be impossible for a normal human to accomplish. •Superhuman Stamina: Steve's musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical activity than the musculature of an ordinary human and his body eliminates the excessive build-up of fatigue-producing chemicals in his muscles, granting him exceptional endurance and lung capacity, greater than of normal humans. He can function in peak capacity for several hours before showing fatigue. •Superhuman Reflexes: Steve's reflexes are far superior to those of the finest athletes on earth. It is beyond human potential which allows him to dodge rapid gunfire in close range. Rogers was once able to evade a gatling gun's gunfire from a Quinjet as he was accelerating towards the airship on his motorcycle. His auto-reflexes allow him to easily dodge gunfire and respond quickly to fast pace combat. Soldiers are subdued by Captain America before they can even align their weapons on him. His immense reflexes can also be used to attack and counter instead of just defensive purposes, allowing him to punish attacks with devastating counters when fighting extraordinary quick opponents. Rogers was also able to easily catch Proxima Midnight's spear when it was hurled at him and he even had enough reflexes to be able to land three hits on Thanos himself, whose reflexes are so great that the Titan completely outmatched Hulk and Loki, and managed to stop Thanos's left hand, which was adorned by the Infinity Gauntlet. •Accelerated Healing Factor: The super-soldier serum caused Steve Rogers' physiology possesses accelerated healing and regeneration. He is immune to all infections, diseases and disorders; also Rogers cannot become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, toxins, or impurities. This annoys him as he can't get drunk like his friends. However, it would appear that Asgardian liquor might work on him, as Thor shared some from a flask during an party with the Avengers. For Rogers, large cuts and bruises heal within minutes and even fatal gunshot wounds and fractures will mend within an hour or less. Rogers was able to regenerate from being shot by a Chitauri Gun directly to the abdomen in a matter of minutes. Any and all injuries will heal and regenerate rapidly and perfectly without leaving a trace of injury. Steve regained consciousness in a short amount of time after nearly dying. His accelerated healing powers also helped him to rapidly rejuvenate to his prime conditioning and capabilities after he was defrosted, as well as it kept him alive when he was in cryo-stasis. It also seems to be rapidly regenerating already perfectly healthy slow-decaying cells. Thus Rogers has a form of ageless immortality. •Superhuman Mental Processing: Steve's mental performance has been greatly superhuman to the very peak of human potential and beyond, thus allowing his mind to operate in the most efficient and rapid manner possible. Some manifestation of this is his exceptionally perfect charisma, eloquence, leadership skills, deductive/analytical skills, and tactical genius. Rogers has demonstrated the ability to quickly process multiple information streams (e.g., threat assessment) and rapidly respond to any changing tactical situations, by creating perfect winning strategies rapidly. He possesses perfect memory as demonstrated when he was able to perfectly replicate the locations of all HYDRA bases on a map, despite "only getting a glance." He is able to learn anything- he can memorize, understand and recall all kinds of information and skills in extraordinary capacity and in limited time. Even though he was unconscious, he was able to recall the conversation S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had while they were deforesting him. Even with his limited knowledge of modern technology, he was still able to help Tony repair a Helicarrier and prevent it from crashing, or when he quickly gave the Avengers and the first responders an efficient plan to minimize and contain damage from the Chitauri invasion. Since the Super-Soldier Serum amplifies personality aspects as well, Rogers' brain chemistry is also altered. Though he was brave, determined, and compassionate before, the SSS has also amplified those character traits. •Superhuman Senses: Steve's five natural senses have been superhuman. This allows him to see further, hear with amazing clarity, detect specific persons, objects, substances with his smell, etc. He was able to notice little things such as sweat coming to a man face to cue him off on danger. He has also spotted a HYDRA soldier high up in a tree completely hidden when platoons of soldiers had no idea. His other senses may also be enhanced.


    •Master Martial Artist: Rogers is an extremely skilled master at combat in the field of martial arts. He has an extensive knowledge of melee combat. He also displayed a variety of martial arts in his fighting style. Rogers' combat style composed of a mixture of American Boxing, Judo, Jiu-jitsu, Taekwondo and Aikido. In addition, Rogers also showed refined fighting techniques, applying characteristics of Muay Thai, Karate, Savate, and Wing Chun. Captain America's combat skills are considered legendary, making him one of the greatest fighters in the world. Even in World War II, when still inexperienced, Captain America already proved to be a great fighter, having used his knowledge of combat, his enhanced attributes, and indestructible shield to defeat hundreds of Nazi soldiers and even the Red Skull himself. After being revived in the 21st century, Rogers was quickly put into action again; he proved able to keep abreast with Loki in combat for a short period, proving himself more skilled in battle than Loki, and also managed to defeat hordes of Chitauri aliens at the Battle of New York. When a police officer questioned why he should take orders from Captain America, the latter defeated several attacking Chitauri soldiers with ease, inducing the impressed officer to follow his orders without question. When he joined S.H.I.E.L.D., Rogers received more extensive training, proving more than capable of defeating several armed pirates, soldiers of HYDRA, a dozen STRIKE agents (while limited by the confined space of an elevator), as well as also having Georges Batroc knocked out in a one on one fight. He could also easily fight on par with and even gain the upper hand over Winter Soldier and Black Panther: He not only had managed to gain an edge in their first altercation but bested him in their second and fended off and landed a punch on Barnes despite being surprised in their final fight and even overwhelmed both Black Panther and War Machine. Rogers is even able to use his combat skills to battle considerably stronger opponents, with him defeating an armored Crossbones, swiftly defeating Spider-Man, giving Ultron's second body a prolonged fight, making swift work of Iron Man in a fair fight and viciously beating him down, eventually still winning even when the latter used F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s advanced combat analysis, disarming Corvus Glaive, and even holding his own against Thanos twice, landing three punches in their first altercation and stopping his blow and later on holding off Thanos by himself so Thor and Tony could launch a coordinated attack. Rogers also managed to defeat hordes of Ultron Sentries during the Battle of Sokovia, many Outriders during the Battle of Wakanda, and numerous Chitauri, Sakaarans, and Outriders during the Battle of Earth. •Weapon Mastery: Steve has proven himself to be fully capable of wielding numerous types of weapons with great skill: He wielded Corvus Glaive's glaive with enough skill to fight on par with and disarm Proxima Midnight, managed to wield Mjolnir with extraordinary skill to briefly overtake Thanos, landing several vicious blows, and could easily take down many Outriders with it. He could also throw it accurately to hit his shield after having previously thrown it to the air to generate a shockwave to stun Thanos. Rogers was also able to effectively wield Stormbreaker to easily kill off several Outriders, whenever he and Thor traded weapons. •Shield Mastery: Over time of training and experience with his unique shield, as well as its physical properties, allow him to accomplish amazing feats with the item. Rogers is able to throw it with nearly perfect aim. Rogers can hit multiple targets with the same throw by means of ricochet, and could even achieve a boomerang-like return effect, allowing him to strike enemies from behind or retrieve the shield without objects to ricochet from. Additionally, Rogers can perform combination techniques with his allies, such as allowing Thor to strike his shield to create a directed shockwave at HYDRA soldiers, jumping and catching his shield thrown by Hawkeye and throwing it at an Ultron Sentry before landing on the ground, and allowing Thor to strike his shield's edge with his hammer to send it through multiple Sentries. He is also extremely skilled in using it in close combat to bash aside enemies and block attacks, able to counter attacks from the likes of Thor and Thanos and could also wield Wakandan Shields given to him for the Battle of Wakanda very expertly as blunt weapons, killing many Outriders and managing to combat and even disarm Corvus Glaive as well as even land a few hits on Thanos. Steve was even able to wield his shield after it was broken by Thanos effectively. •Expert Marksman: Rogers can throw most projectile weaponry with great aim and is well-versed in the use of firearms like the military-issued Colt 1911 or the Tommy Gun during WWII and eventually modern firearms, picking up an assault rifle and using with ease. While he knew how to use the modern assault rifle, he did not use to it and missed his targets each time he fires and even slipped from the platform he was and grabbed a wire to stay on the ship when caught in a hail of gunfire from the men that he was fighting on the Helicarrier. Rogers also shows expertise in knife throwing. •Advanced Military Operator: Rogers is well-versed in WWII-era armed force disciplines including intelligence gathering, espionage, escape arts, demolitions, survival, swimming, mountaineering, march or drill skills, cartography, map reading, communications, and army vehicle skills. •Master Spy: Aside being a veteran soldier and one of the world's greatest combatants, Rogers is highly a skilled spy. During World War II, Rogers and the Howling Commandos successful raided several HYDRA bases, rescued Allied POWs, and captured top HYDRA scientist, Dr. Arnim Zola. After being revived in the 21st century, despite his lack of knowledge of the current technologies, he managed to sneak around in the Helicarrier and discovered S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Tesseract-based weaponry. When Rogers received additional training from S.H.I.E.L.D., he became an accomplished spy in his own right. He participated several black-ops missions with STRIKE, and helped thwart the HYDRA Uprising. He evaded capture from authorities when he became a fugitive twice (During HYDRA Uprising and the Avengers Civil War). However, Rogers' most impressive feat was breaking into an underwater highly-secured prison, the Raft, and freeing his fellow Avengers. •Master Tactician and Strategist: Rogers is a highly accomplished strategist and an extremely charismatic and skilled leader. He is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation, while his leadership abilities allow him to command respect from his fellow Avengers and the undying loyalty of his Howling Commandos. A prime example is when he formulated the plan to go in first by himself in "the front door" of the Red Skull's hidden base. After taking out the Red Skull's defenses and feigning a surrender, the assault team and then the full force of the Strategic Scientific Reserve came in and raided the base following Rogers' initial assault. His tactical brilliance also came into play during the Chitauri assault on New York, first in organizing first responders to protect the civilian population, and then re-deploying other members of the Avengers to best defend the city with their limited resources (even the usually anti-authoritarian Tony Stark recognizes Rogers' tactical abilities and accepts his assignment). Even when outnumbered by the forces of HYDRA within S.H.I.E.L.D., Steve was able to get Wilson, Hill, Romanoff, and even Fury, along with the loyal agents within S.H.I.E.L.D. to fight back against HYDRA and stop Project Insight from being achieved, thus defeating HYDRA. Rogers's strategical talents also allowed him to quickly ascertain details from minor actions and swiftly form countermeasures. His bravery and determination further supplement this as he is willing to take even the riskiest of choices to stand a chance to win, a trait best exemplified when he was quickly able to deduce the HYDRA personnel in an elevator were about to attack him and provoked them into attacking him. He again demonstrated this skill when Thanos arrived in Wakanda, quickly realizing that the Infinity Gauntlet had to be clenched for access to its powers and bravely charging the warlord to hold his hand open. Later on, when fighting his 2012 self, Rogers swiftly told him Bucky's state to surprise him and used the Scepter against him, successfully outwitting him. •Master Acrobat: Rogers' years of training and experience have made him an master acrobat, gymnast, and aerialist. He often utilizes these talents in combat for both evasive and offensive purposes. Combined with his extremely enhanced agility, Rogers has shown expertise in utilizing flips in his attacks and takedowns. •Sketch Artist: Rogers enjoys drawing and does so with his free time. He even adds humor and irony to his drawings as he sketched himself as a monkey in the original Captain America uniform. •Multilingualism: Rogers speaks both English and French fluently. •Expert Vehicle Control: He is proficient in the control of conventional vehicles such as cars and motorcycles. •Pilot: Rogers has at least basic knowledge of aircraft piloting. In the 1940s, he crash landed Red Skull's plane on the Arctic. After returning, he is able to fly a Quinjet.


    As a weapon of choice, Rogers uses a round shaped Vibranium shield, which can be used as a throwing weapon and is able to absorb any kind of impact. Also in combat, Rogers also uses canon weapons like guns and other firearms. •Vibranium Shield: A concave disk about 2.5 feet in diameter, weighing 12 pounds painted in its familiar red-white-and-blue pattern with a five-pointed star design in its center. Constructed by Howard Stark and made from Vibranium. The Vibranium alloy can absorb and reflect kinetic energy from impacts, therefore, making it nigh-indestructible. Nearly every kind of human weaponry can not even dent it, as bullets normally bounce off it. The shield is also strong enough to combat magic and mystical weapons, such as Thor's hammer Mjølnir. It also withstood Iron Man's Repulsors, deflecting them in a coordinated team attack. The shield's shape makes it a superb throwing weapon. It can cut through the air with minimal wind resistance. It is also able to bounce off solid objects, such as walls and floors, when struck on its edge and can be ricocheted off of multiple surfaces. It also makes a formidable and devastating hand-held weapon. Combined with Rogers' strength and combat skills, it can enable him to plow through virtually any opponent. The Vibranium in the shield also enables Rogers to withstand great falls and devastating blows that he couldn't otherwise. •Mjølnir: Captain America proved himself to be worthy of Thor's hammer, Mjølnir, and was able to wield it during his fight against Thanos in Avengers: Endgame. His worthiness was foreshadowed in Avengers: Age of Ultron, where he slightly moved the hammer at the party. •Stormbreaker: Like Mjølnir, Captain America was able to use Stormbreaker during the fight. Though he did so accidentally, summoning during the fight, and gave it back to Thor. •M1 Garand: Steve Rogers has issued an M1 Garand rifle for his training maneuvers in Camp Lehigh. However, he never used it for actual combat during World War II. •M1911A1: Rogers was issued an M1911A1 as his sidearm during World War II. He took one of them in an unauthorized mission to liberate his friend Bucky Barnes in a HYDRA facility in Austria and continued to use it during the rest of the war, especially in his attacks against HYDRA all over Europe and the capture of Arnim Zola. •M1928A1 Thompson: Before joining World War II, Rogers played a colorful character named Captain America in a series of live shows and films. In those films, he used an M1928A1 Thompson to attack Nazis and protect America, inspiring soldiers to join the United States Armed Forces and citizens to buy war bonds. •Noveske Rifleworks Diplomat: Captain America took one of these rifles from one of the mercenaries that attacked the Helicarrier, and used it to defend his position while helping Tony Stark to restart the aircraft's propellers. •M67 Grenade: Rogers obtained a grenade from one of the HYDRA operatives patrolling one of the Project Insight Helicarriers, using it to attack a group of operatives while infiltrating the aircraft.


    •Quinjet: The Quinjet is a unique, hybrid-wing aircraft with similar flight capabilities as modern VTOL aircraft and serves as a personnel transport and versatile attack vehicle. The Quinjet is able to reach high speeds through two powerful jet engines located at the rear of the ship. It possesses two large, angle-adjustable rotors, one housed in each wing, which grants the aircraft its vertical take-off and landing capabilities. The Quinjet also has adjustable wing tips that can be angled down to intensify the lift of the wing rotors and modify the movement of the ship. This gives the Quinjet unprecedented maneuverability as it can make full stops mid-air, hover in place, and make incredibly tight turns compared to conventional aircraft. The Quinjet also has a variety of weapons, the most prominent of which is a GAU-17/A Gatling Gun mounted on the underside at the front of the jet. Additionally, Quinjets have retro-reflective panel technology similar to the Helicarrier, which grants the Quinjets high-level stealth capabilities and near invisibility from a far enough distance. •Captain America's Motorcycle: Captain America's Motorcycle had the same capabilities as a Harley-Davidson model motorcycle of that era, along with the added capabilities granted by the gadgets and upgrades added by SSR engineers. Enhancements included a deployable trip wire and a rear-facing flamethrower to eliminate pursuers, twin mini rocket launcher barrels mounted to the front of the bike, and a delayed self-destruct function, all controlled from a control box on the right handlebar. Additionally, Rogers could fix his shield to the front of the bike to block and deflect oncoming fire from HYDRA weapons.


    •Uniform: Rogers and Howard Stark both designed the original suit he wore during the war. It was made of carbon polymer and it offers a medium level of resistance to gunfire. The helmet also served as a mask. It also allowed for a sidearm. The shield could be attached to the back. However, upon his reawakening and him joining the Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D., along with input from Phil Coulson, designed his new upgraded suit. It has more flexibility and mobility than his previous suit. The new suit carries a wireless communicator. The uniform is composed of a Nomex and Kevlar fiber. While it doesn't allow for him carrying a sidearm (it is unknown whether this was intentional or not at this time), nonetheless, it is possibly bulletproof and fireproof. It could also withstand blunt force trauma and energy blasts from alien weaponry. •Utility Belt: Captain America wears a utility belt containing tactical devices and equipment for battle.


    •Joseph Rogers † - Father •Sarah Rogers † - Mother •Peggy Carter † - Spouse (alternate timeline) •Harrison Carter † - Father-in-Law (alternate timeline) •Amanda Carter † - Mother-in-Law (alternate timeline) •Michael Carter - Brother-in-Law (alternate timeline)


    •Peggy Carter † - Love-Interest •Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier/White Wolf - Best Friend and Former Teammate turned Temporary Enemy (while under HYDRA control) •Brandt •The United States Armed Forces •107th Infantry Regiment •Seventh Army •Abraham Erskine † - Friend and Creator of the Super Soldier Serum •Chester Phillips † - Former Army Commander •Howard Stark † - Friend and Weapons Producer •Michael Duffy † - Former Drill Sergeant •Lorraine † - General Phillips' Secretary •Howling Commandos - Former Teammates •Timothy Dugan/Dum Dum Dugan † - Friend •Jacques Dernier •James Montgomery Falsworth † •Jim Morita † •Gabe Jones •S.H.I.E.L.D. (First Incarnation) - Former Employers •Nick Fury - Former Director •Maria Hill - Former Deputy Director •Phil Coulson † - Fan •Sharon Carter - Former Neighbor, Former S.H.I.E.L.D. Colleague, and Former Love Interest •Lillian † - Former Colleague •Kristen † - Former Colleague •Avengers - Former Teammates and Friends •Tony Stark/Iron Man † - Close Friend, Rival, and Former Temporary Enemy •Thor - Close Friend •Bruce Banner/Hulk - Friend and Teammate •Clint Barton/Hawkeye - Close Friend •Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow † - Close Friend •Vision † - Former Temporary Enemy •Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch - Former Enthraller •Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver † - Former Enemy •Sam Wilson/Falcon - Partner, Second Best Friend, and Successor •James Rhodes/War Machine - Former Temporary Enemy •Peter Parker/Spider-Man - Fan and Former Temporary Enemy •Scott Lang/Ant-Man - Fan and Friend •Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel •Moore •Erik Selvig •J.A.R.V.I.S. •Helen Cho •Laura Barton - Hostess •Cooper Barton •Lila Barton •CIA •Everett Ross •Golden Tribe •T'Challa/Black Panther - Former Temporary Enemy and Friend •Shuri •Dora Milaje •Okoye •Jabari Tribe •M'Baku •Wakandan Royal Guard •Guardians of the Galaxy •Rocket Raccoon - Former Teammate •Groot •Nebula - Former Teammate •Peter Quill/Star-Lord •Drax the Destroyer •Mantis •Pepper Potts •Morgan Stark •The Masters of the Mystic Arts •Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange •Wong •Hope van Dyne/Wasp •Gamora (alternate timeline) •Brunnhilde/Valkyrie •Korg •Miek •Ravagers •Kraglin Obfonteri •Happy Hogan •May Parker •Nathaniel Barton •Hank Pym •Thaddeus Ross - Temporary Enemy


    •Loud Jerk - Bully •Wehrmacht •Adolf Hitler † •HYDRA •Johann Schmidt/Red Skull/Stonekeeper - Archenemy and Attempted Killer •Arnim Zola † •Heinz Krueger † - Attempted Killer •Alexander Pierce † - Former Superior •Wolfgang von Strucker † •Crossbones/Brock Rumlow † - Former Ally and Attempted Killer •Jack Rollins - Former Colleague •Russo † - Former Colleague •List † •Jasper Sitwell † - Former Colleague •Ultimo † •Alexei Shostakov/Red Guardian - One-Sided Rival •Loki Laufeyson † - Attempted Killer and Impersonator •Chitauri •Leviathans •Georges Batroc •Ultron † - Attempted Killer •Ultron Sentries † •Helmut Zemo •ISIS •Thanos † - Attempted Killer and Attempted Victim •Black Order •Ebony Maw † •Cull Obsidian † •Corvus Glaive † - Attempted Killer •Proxima Midnight † - Attempted Killer •Nebula † (2014 time traveled version) •Outriders •Chitauri Gorillas (2014 time-traveled version) •Sakaarans (2014 time-traveled version)

    •This is the third live-action of the character, following Reb Brown and Matt Salinger's previous incarnation.

    •Rogers' actor, Chris Evans, previously portrayed a Marvel hero; the Human Torch in the 2000s Fantastic Four series.

    •Evans nearly turned down the role, but was convinced by his co-star, Robert Downey, Jr., to play the titular character.

    •When awakened in 2011, he is 93 years old, but appears young due to being frozen at age 27 for 66 years.

  4. A page for describing Characters: Captain America: Title Character. Captain America Steve Rogers Alter Ego: Steven "Steve" Rogers Notable Aliases: Anthony ….

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  5. Captain Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers is a super soldier with enhanced physical abilities who goes by Captain America. When he fought Thanos in the Battle of Wakanda, he accidentally grazed the Time Stone in Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet, causing a paradox that merged the 17th and 21st Centuries...

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  7. Steven Grant "Steve" Rogers is a World War II veteran, a founding member of the Avengers, and Earth's first known superhero. Rogers grew up suffering from numerous health problems, and upon the United States' entry into World War II, he was rejected from serving in the United States Army despite...

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