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  2. Jan 28, 2022 · Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets ... Pdf_module_version 0.0.17 Ppi 360 Rcs_key 24143 Republisher_date 20220129143835 ...

  3. Feb 20, 2023 · When the Chamber of Secrets is opened again at the Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, second-year student Harry Potter finds himself in danger from a dark power that has once more been released on the school Sequel to: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone

  4. B_Chamber kids HB 38493 +T 17/8/12 2:37 pm Page 9 At that moment, Uncle Vernon cleared his throat importantly and said, ‘Now, as we all know, today is a very important day.’

    • J.K. ROWLING
    • HARRY
    • 4 INT. KITCHEN - DAY 4
    • HARRY
    • DUDLEY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • DOBBY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • 7 INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY 7
    • DOBBY
    • DOBBY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • DUDLEY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • GRINS.
    • GINNY
    • GEORGE
    • HARRY (to Ron)
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • PERCY
    • PERCY
    • DRACO
    • DRACO
    • AGED WITCH (O.S.)
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • HERMIONE (O.S.)
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • 32 INT. KING'S CROSS - DAY 32
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • 33A INT. ANGLIA - DAY 33A
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • FRAME.
    • HARRY
    • RON
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • FILCH
    • SNAPE
    • SNAPE
    • HARRY
    • RON
    • 41 INT. GREAT HALL - LUNCH - DAY 41
    • HARRY
    • COLIN
    • COLIN
    • COLIN
    • SEAMUS
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • RON What do we do now?
    • HARRY
    • WOOD
    • WOOD
    • FLINT
    • WOOD
    • DRACO
    • DRACO
    • DRACO
    • Save it for the match.
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • HAGRID
    • HARRY
    • VOICE
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • DRACO
    • FILCH
    • HARRY
    • SNAPE
    • HARRY
    • FILCH
    • HARRY
    • HERMIONE (eyeing Malfoy ahead) If you're talking about him --
    • HARRY
    • 64 INT. LIBRARY - NIGHT 64
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • DRACO
    • OFF.
    • HAGRID
    • DRACO
    • HAGRID
    • 66 INT. HOSPITAL WING - DAY 66
    • DOBBY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • DOBBY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • SNAPE
    • SNAPE
    • SNAPE
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • DRACO
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • RON
    • 73 INT. LIBRARY - NIGHT 73
    • ERNIE
    • ERNIE
    • HANNAH
    • ERNIE
    • HANNAH
    • ERNIE
    • HARRY
    • FILCH
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • FRED
    • HARRY
    • Maybe they're right.
    • 79 INT. GREAT HALL - NIGHT 79
    • HARRY
    • PERCY
    • DRACO
    • PERCY
    • DRACO
    • DRACO
    • DRACO
    • HARRY
    • DRACO
    • DRACO
    • HARRY
    • HERMIONE (O.S.)
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • DROPS.
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • VOICE (O.S.)
    • VOICE (O.S.)
    • RIDDLE
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • HAGRID
    • VOICE (O.S.)
    • HARRY
    • WOOD
    • GEORGE
    • WOOD
    • 107 INT. HOSPITAL WING - DAY 107
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • 114 INT. HAGRID'S HUT - NIGHT 114
    • HAGRID
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • FUDGE
    • HAGRID
    • FUDGE
    • FUDGE
    • FUDGE
    • HAGRID
    • HAGRID
    • HAGRID
    • 119 EXT. HAGRID'S HUT - NIGHT 119
    • HARRY
    • 121 EXT. DARK FOREST - NIGHT 121
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • SEES:
    • ARAGOG
    • HARRY
    • ARAGOG
    • HARRY
    • ARAGOG
    • HARRY
    • ARAGOG
    • HARRY
    • ARAGOG
    • ARAGOG
    • CLICK! CLICK! CLICK! Harry and Ron SPIN. A GANG of
    • HARRY
    • RON (trying)
    • HARRY
    • Can you get us in the air?
    • 121D EXT. HAGRID'S HUT - NIGHT 121D
    • 122C OMITTED
    • 123 INT. HOSPITAL WING - DAY 123
    • HARRY
    • 124 INT. CORRIDOR - DUSK (LATER) 124
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • SNAPE
    • SNAPE
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • 130 INT. GIRLS' BATHROOM - NIGHT 130
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • 131 INT. PIPE - NIGHT 131
    • 132 INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT 132
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • SKIN.
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • Ginny stole the diary from my room? But why?
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • STILL.
    • GINNY
    • HARRY
    • 134 INT. TUNNEL - NIGHT (LATER) 134
    • GINNY
    • HARRY
    • RON No.
    • HARRY
    • GINNY
    • GINNY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • HARRY
    • DOBBY
    • DOBBY
    • HARRY
    • 137 INT. GREAT HALL - NIGHT 137
    • HARRY
    • HAGRID
    • HARRY

    No portion of this script may be performed, reproduced, or used by any means, or quoted or published in any medium without the prior written consent of Warner Bros.

    Harry pages through a SCRAPBOOK, stops on a MOVING PHOTO of Ron and Hermione. SQUAWK! Harry jumps. HEDWIG pecks at the LOCK slung through her cage door, then glowers at Harry.

    I can't, Hedwig. I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school. Besides, if Uncle Vernon -- At the sound of the name, HEDWIG SQUAWKS again, LOUDER.

    While AUNT PETUNIA puts the finishing touches to a

    VERNON struggles with DUDLEY'S BOW TIE, all the while glowering at Harry.

    I warned you. If you can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go.

    She's bored. If I could just let her out for an hour or two --

    And have you sending secret messages to your freaky little friends? No, sir.

    But I haven't gotten any messages. From any of my friends. Not one. All summer.

    should think you'd be more grateful. We raise you since you were a baby, give you food off our table, even let you have Dudley's second bedroom... purely out of the goodness of our hearts.

    thought he got the second bedroom because Mum was afraid he'd turn us into dung beetles if you put him back in the cupboard under the stairs. AUNT PETUNIA stops cold, exchanges a dark look with Uncle Vernon, then sees Dudley extending a finger for the pudding.

    Not yet, popkin. That's for when the Masons arrive.

    Which should be any moment. Now. Let's run through our schedule one more time. Petunia, when the Masons get here, you will be --

    In the lounge, waiting to welcome them graciously to our home.

    I'll be in my bedroom, making no noise and pretending I don't exist.

    Too right you will. With any luck, this could well be the day I make the biggest deal of my career. DOORBELL RINGS. Instantly, Uncle Vernon shoves Harry out of the kitchen and into the hallway. UNCLE VERNON Upstairs! Hurry!

    Harry enters, turns, and stops dead: a tiny CREATURE with bat-like ears and bulging green eyes is jumping on his bed as if it were a trampoline. This is DOBBY.

    I see. Not to be rude or anything, but this isn't a great time for me to have a house-elf in my bedroom.

    Oh, yes, sir, Dobby understands. It's just that, Dobby has come to tell you... it is difficult, sir... Dobby wonders where to begin.

    S-s-sit down? Suddenly Dobby BURSTS INTO TEARS. LOUD TEARS. Harry panics.

    Shhhh! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you or anything --

    Offend Dobby! Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but never has he been asked to sit down by a wizard, like an equal...

    You can't have met many decent wizards then. Dobby shakes his head, then without warning, LEAPS off the bed and starts to BANG HIS HEAD FURIOUSLY ON THE FLOOR.

    Uncle Vernon pours champagne for MR. and MRS. MASON. As Dobby's HEAD BANGING sounds from above, all eyes shift to the ceiling. Uncle Vernon chuckles nervously.

    Dobby gets back to his feet, wobbling, eyes spinning dizzily. Harry regards him with a mixture of concern... and wariness.

    Dobby had to punish himself, sir. Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, sir.

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

    There's no Hogwarts without you, Hagrid. Just then... Dumbledore gets to his feet and... slowly... brings his hands together. The others join him. Soon, everyone is on their feet and the Hall ROARING. As the students surround Hagrid, he blinks, wipes at his eyes, and... CAMERA PULLS BACK, THROUGH the window, leaving the celebration. WE CONTINUE...

  5. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Throughout the summer holidays after his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter has been receiving sinister warnings from a house-elf called Dobby. Now, back at school to start his second year, Harry hears unintelligible whispers echoing through the corridors.

  6. Dec 8, 2015 · Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. J.K. Rowling. Pottermore Publishing, Dec 8, 2015 - Juvenile Fiction - 341 pages. 'There is a plot, Harry Potter. A plot to make most terrible things happen at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.'. Harry Potter's summer has included the worst birthday ever, doomy warnings from a house ...

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