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  1. Aug 29, 2021 · Before you run out and get your nose pierced, take 4 minutes to learn about the 19 different types of nose rings here. Seriously, there are a lot to choose from. We list them out in a easy-to-read manner with photos.

    • Captive Bead Ring. Captive bead rings have many names: captive ball ring, captive hoops, ball closure ring, and captive ball rings. These rings come with a small bead/ball fitting into a space within the ring’s circumference.
    • Seamless Nose Ring. Seamless nose rings or hoops have no clasps. You can wear them in nostril or septum piercings. Rather than pulling the ends, you need to twist them to wear and remove them.
    • Half Hoop Nose Ring. Half-hoops work for nostril and septum piercings. As you can glean from the name, their hoops don’t close at the end, so they’re easy to slip on and off.
    • Fake Nose Ring. You’ll love fake nose rings if you don’t have a nose piercing but want to try wearing a nose ring. Fake nose rings are hoops with a tight fit, so they stay on when you wear them.
    • Septum. The septum nose ring or bull-ring piercing goes through the thin tissue or sweet spot between the nostrils (right before the cartilage). Although it is one of the most famous nose piercing types, it can still be quite uncomfortable and painful for some people to handle at the start.
    • Nostril. The nostril piercing is one of the most common and less painful nose piercing one can choose. It is usually done on the curve of the nasal passage (outside of the nose).
    • Rhino. The rhino piercing or vertical tip piercing is the new classy trend in the West. A vertical alternate to the bridge piercing or a twin to the third eye-piercing.
    • Double Nostril. Double Nose Studs Side-by-side. Double Nose Hoops For Double Nostril Piercing. Double nostril piercing is the other form of common nostril piercing where two piercings are made in the nose crease i.e.
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  3. Jan 18, 2023 · Types of Nose Piercing. While septum and nostril piercings might be the first thing to come to mind, there are many other options. Working from the top down, these include third eye, bridge, high nostril, nasallang, Austin bar, rhino, and septril. What you choose will depend on your personal style and preference.

  4. Mar 13, 2024 · Nose studs or bone nose rings are small, straight barbells. Stud nose rings are typically the most popular type of jewelry for a nostril piercing. L-bend nose rings or L-shaped nose rings are shaped like an L and sit securely in your nostril piercing.

  5. Jun 30, 2022 · To help you make the right decision, or rather, to ensure that the nose ring you choose is the best one for you, here are some of the best types of nose rings that you should know of.

  6. Oct 25, 2022 · So how can nose rings enhance your individual style? Read on as we explore eight types of nose rings and how you can use them to spruce up your outfits. Hinged Rings If you like to change up your jewelry often to match your outfit of choice, then a hinged ring is perfect for you.

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