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Our combined MA/PhD program offers specialized education in behavioural neuroscience, cognition, developmental psychology and social/community psychology, along with broad-based research and professional skills. We’ve invited our graduate students to introduce themselves. Meet our current graduate students. Finance your graduate studies.
- Doctorate in Philosophy Psychology < uOttawa
The School of Psychology offers graduate programs leading to...
- Clinical Psychology | Faculty of Social Sciences
General information and program requirements - Doctorate in...
- Graduate Students | School of Psychology - University of Ottawa
Graduate Students. At the Faculty of Social Sciences, we...
- Doctorate in Philosophy Human Kinetics < uOttawa
Doctorate in Philosophy Human Kinetics. Programs are...
- Doctorate in Philosophy Psychology < uOttawa
- MA - Phd with Specialization in Experimental Psychology
- MA - Phd with Specialization in Clinical Psychology
- Accreditation
- Registration
The objective of this program is to train researchers in experimental psychology with emphasis on one of the following areas: behavioural neurophysiology, psychopharmacology, psychophysiology, human and animal cognition, learning, language, sleep and dreams, social, cognitive and emotional development, perception, intergroup relations, motivation, ...
The clinical psychology program is fully accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). The purpose of this generalist program is to provide doctoral training in the area of clinical psychology. Students are prepared to work with adults and/or children, youth, and families. Professional training includes exposure to cognitive-behaviour...
The clinical psychology program meets CPA’s accreditation standards for training in professional psychology (e.g., degree requirements, professional competencies, diversity). For further information about the clinical psychology program’s accreditation, the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) may be contacted at the following address : Accredi...
In Ontario, practice as a psychologist is governed by statute law so graduation from the doctoral program in clinical psychology does not by itself qualify a person to practice as a psychologist. Regulations of the School of Psychology prohibit students from being involved in the private practice of psychology, outside of practica and internships, ...
General information and program requirements - Doctorate in Philosophy Psychology. The clinical PhD program is a CPA-accredited scientist-practitioner program designed to train students in both research and clinical skills that can lead to a broad range of employment possibilities.
The doctoral program in clinical psychology at the University of Ottawa is the only bilingual program accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association (Accreditation Office, Canadian Psychological Association, 141 Laurier Avenue West, Suite 702, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5J3,, 613-237-2144 x 328 or 1-888-472-0657 x 328).
Graduate Students. At the Faculty of Social Sciences, we strive for original approaches, ask new questions, and foster dialogue about some of the most daunting challenges around the world today. Learn more about our graduate students and their research by viewing each of their profiles.
Doctorate in Philosophy Human Kinetics. Programs are governed by academic regulations in effect for graduate studies. For the most accurate and up to date information on application deadlines, language tests and other admission requirements, please visit the webpage.
People also ask
What degree programs does the School of psychology offer?
What is a clinical PhD in psychology?
What is the University of Ottawa known for?
What is a clinical psychology program?
In the PhD at the University of Ottawa, the following programs are offered in Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychology with the following fields approved by the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies: Clinical Psychology; Social Psychology; Developmental Psychology; Cognition; Behavioural Neurosciences; I want to find another Phd Course