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  1. Urban planning in Russia is the practice of urban planning according to the legislation and is influenced by various factors such as historical legacy, traditions, geography and climate and involves various actors including the federal as well as regional and local governments.

  2. › wiki › UrbanistikaUrbanistika - Wikipedia

    Urbanistika (trajta e pashquar urbanistikë) është studimi dhe teoria e ndërtimit dhe pajisjes me shërbime të qyteteve ose kulturave kryesisht urbane. Në Shqipëri, historikisht, me termin Urbanistikë, është nënkuptuar Projektim urban.

  3. › wiki › UrbanizimiUrbanizimi - Wikipedia

    Urbanizimi sjell zhvillim industrial dhe mirëqenie ekonomike, por jo kulturë shoqërore, që është thelbi i një qytetërimi. Pra, urbanizimi i shërben qytetërimit në të dy kahet e tij; ndihmës, por edhe trazues i qytetërimit të vërtetë.

  4. Urban geography is the subdiscipline of geography that derives from a study of cities and urban processes. Urban geographers and urbanists [1] examine various aspects of urban life and the built environment.

  5. Kalach-na-Donu (Russian: Кала́ч-на-Дону́), or Kalach-on-the-Don, is a town and the administrative center of Kalachyovsky District in Volgograd Oblast, Russia, located on the Don River, 72 kilometers (45 mi) west of Volgograd, the administrative center of the oblast.

  6. Jan 1, 2010 · What is an urban area? How do we know it when we see it? And how do we measure the concept of urban, so that we can study it? This chapter reviews the many dimensions of urbanness in an attempt to synthesize the vast literature that exists on the topic, but focuses...

  7. Jun 2, 2015 · The criteria used by countries to decide whether to define a place as ‘urban’ include population size, population density, type of economic activity, physical characteristics, level of infrastructure, or a combination of these or other criteria. Some simply list their urban areas by name.

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