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  1. Good articles in Wikipedia. A good article (GA) is a Wikipedia article that meets a core set of editorial standards, the good article criteria, passing through the good article nomination process successfully. They are well-written, contain factually accurate and verifiable information, are broad in coverage, neutral in point of view, stable ...

  2. Wiki for Kids is a filtered Wikipedia resource that provides articles in Simple English. It is similar to Wikipedias Simple Edition but with filtered safe results. The added benefit of our safe search settings is that it removes content that is not appropriate for children and teens.

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  4. Good articles in Wikipedia. A good article (GA) is an article that meets a core set of editorial standards, the good article criteria, passing through the good article nomination process successfully.

  5. Wikipedia. : Most-referenced articles. Articles which are linked to from many places generally cover important topics. They are likely to be read often and therefore should be of the highest quality. It may also be the case that such a popular article covers too broad a topic and could benefit from being split into several more concise entries.

  6. Don’t use Wikipedia simply because it’s listed first. Wikipedia is often the first result that comes up in a Web search. A Web site’s popularity and size—and not necessarily its quality—are big factors that help determine how high up in the list it appears.

  7. Usually, articles should be a few kilobytes long, although shorter pages may also be nominated. The article must have gone through a few revisions, possibly by different editors. No one writes perfect articles. The article must be filed in the appropriate category. It must have at least one interwiki link.

  8. When the article meets all ten of the criteria, it can be voted on. For this, the article is moved to the voting section on the Proposed very good articles page. Any named editor can vote. Within one week of being listed under the voting section, 80% of named editors must agree that the article is indeed very good.

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