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  1. Aug 20, 2021 · From Medieval Christian art through to the Renaissance period, Christain artwork has been created in many different mediums such as paintings on canvas and murals on walls to Christian sculptures and architecture. Let us take a look at some notable examples of early Christian artworks.

  2. Images of Jonah, along with those of Daniel in the Lion’s Den, the Three Hebrews in the Firey Furnace, Moses Striking the Rock, among others, are widely popular in the Christian art of the third century, both in paintings and on sarcophagi.

  3. Let’s glean some profound thoughts on peaceful and just living from some early Christian leaders. These early believers had much to say about unity, justice, poverty and compassion. First Epistle of Clement, 30 (written near the end of the 1st century CE)

    • The Lamb of God, Jan van Eyck. The Lamb of God panel (1432) from Flemish painter Jan van Eyck’s larger Ghent Altarpiece is a masterpiece renowned for its intricate details, luminous colors, and the meticulous brushwork technique.
    • The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci. An instantly recognizable and influential masterpiece, Leonardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper (1495-1498) captures the moment when Jesus reveals that one of his disciples will betray him (yep, it was Judas).
    • The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo. One of the many mesmerizing pieces on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, Michelangelo’s The Creation of Adam (1508-1512) is a breath-taking fresco portraying the iconic scene from the Book of Genesis.
    • The Sistine Madonna, Raphael. The Sistine Madonna is an extraordinary altarpiece depicting the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus while surrounded by saints and angels.
  4. Early Christian sculptors followed the Greco-Roman example of their time in their works. Rather than imitate Greek myths, they took inspiration from the Bible.

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  6. The earliest identifiably Christian art consists of a few 2nd-century wall and ceiling paintings in the Roman catacombs (underground burial chambers), which continued to be decorated in a sketchy style derived from Roman impressionism through the 4th century.

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