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  1. These Best Practice Guidelines on Publication Ethics describe Blackwell Publishing's position on the major ethical principles of academic publishing and review factors that may foster ethical behavior or create problems. The aims are to encourage discussion, to initiate changes where they are needed, and to provide practical guidance, in the ...

  2. May 3, 2022 · This reform seeks to improve the existing system by incorporating strategies for integration, and, developing mechanisms to coordinate health care services in the public and private sectors. Jamaica’s Primary Health Care Reform 2021-2030, will through the network of facilities ensure delivery of population based and individual care services ...

  3. Dec 7, 2023 · They analyze and summarize the information in primary and secondary sources in order to provide background on a idea, event, or topic. Tertiary resources often provide data in a convenient form and provide context of the topic for a frame of reference. Some examples of tertiary sources include textbooks, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and almanacs.

  4. EDITOR. Sutton, Heather. This report is part of an IDB technical note series on crime and violence in the Caribbean. The overall aim is to establish a baseline of the crime prevention arena against which progress can be assessed. The report compiles the available data from multiple sources in order to provide a diagnosis of the size ...

  5. 2. INTRODUCTION Some 15.3% of the global population have “moderate or severe disability” while 2.9% have “severe disability” (World Report on Disability 2011). Jamaica’s most recent census data (2011) records disability prevalence of 3.3% compared with 6.3% and 4.8% in 2001 and 1991 for the population 5 years and older.

  6. 2030 Jamaica and other sector specific committees; and the 2030 Agenda SDGs Core Group (Core Group). e Vision 2030 Jamaica and the SDGs secretariats are located in the Planning Institute of Jamaica, the lead government entity on “policy formulation on economic and social issues and external cooperation management

  7. National drug use surveys indicate some children are using drugs by age 12 or 13. Prevention is the best strategy. These prevention programs work to boost protective factors and eliminate or reduce risk factors for drug use. The programs are designed for various ages and can be used in individual or group settings, such as the school and home.

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