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  1. The compound names of God are composed of a primary name of God and a verb or descriptive phrase about the nature of God. The Names of Elohim El-Shaddai: The Almighty God. The primary names of God are sometimes used with other names to identify a specific characteristic of God. The name El-Shaddai means “the Almighty God.”

  2. Sep 13, 2017 · Names for the Devil are numerous: Besides Lucifer, he may be referred to as the Prince of Darkness, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, Baphomet, Lord of the Flies, the Antichrist, Father of Lies, Moloch ...

  3. Names are employed to express character; titles are used to denote relationships. It is only as we make a careful study of the various and numerous names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, that we are in a position to appreciate His infinite excellencies and the manifold relationships which He sustains.

  4. Sep 4, 2023 · What are some unique names out the Bible? Here are a few that come to mind: Zerubbabel, Jabez, Elishama, Zophar, Huldah, and Ananias. These names may not be as well-known as David or Moses, but they hold their own significance and can inspire us to explore the lesser-known characters in the Bible. List Of Biblical Names Bible Scripture Verses (KJV)

  5. Oct 10, 2005 · Topic: All the Names of Jesus Related Topics: The Four Spiritual Laws that Lead You to Jesus; The Blood of Jesus; The Biblical Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus; How to Know Jesus URL: King of Kings, Messiah, Emmanuel: All the Names of Jesus. The End of the Article King of Kings, Messiah, Emmanuel: All the Names of Jesus

  6. Names of Male Angels in the Bible. The only two angels named in the Bible, Gabriel, and Michael, are said to be men. Gabriel is called a “him” in Luke 1:12 and Michael in Jude 9. While angels have often been illustrated as beautiful, graceful females, no biblical passages support the belief in female angels. Sources: Encyclopedia of the Bible.

  7. Sep 30, 2023 · Some of the names of the archangels listed below are not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, but their existence is widely believed and accepted in Christian tradition for many. While their specific powers may vary in different sources, here are some of the commonly recognized archangels and their associated attributes: 1.

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