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  1. A summary of Act IV: Scenes iiii in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. Learn exactly what happened in this chapter, scene, or section of Twelfth Night and what it means. Perfect for acing essays, tests, and quizzes, as well as for writing lesson plans.

    • Act V: Scene I

      A summary of Act V: Scene i in William Shakespeare's Twelfth...

  2. by William Shakespeare. Buy Study Guide. Twelfth Night Summary and Analysis of Act 4. Act IV Summary: Scene 1: Feste approaches Sebastian, thinking that Sebastian is 'Cesario'; when Sebastian tells Feste that he does not know him, nor Olivia, whom Feste tells him to meet, Feste becomes rather upset, and accuses Sebastian of "strangeness".

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  4. Act 4, scene 1 opens in the midst of an argument between Sebastian and Feste. Olivia has sent Feste to summon Cesario, but Feste has mistakenly approached Sebastian, who angrily denies knowing anything about the matter. Sir Toby, Sir Andrew, and Fabian enter, and Sir Andrew strikes Sebastian, who immediately hits him back and draws his dagger.

  5. Need help with Act 4, scene 1 in William Shakespeare's Twelfth Night? Check out our revolutionary side-by-side summary and analysis.

  6. Act IV opens amid confusion, with Feste the Clown insisting that he was sent for, Sebastian answering that he did not send for the clown. We quickly realize why Sebastian is certain he did not send for Feste and why Feste is equally certain he was sent for; Feste has mistaken Sebastian (Viola's or Cesario's brother) for Cesario.

  7. Jan 15, 2015 · Act Four, Scene Two, takes us into Olivia’s house to a room where Malvolio is being kept and tormented. Maria has Feste dress like Sir Topas the curate, a clergyman. There’s a cynical moment when Feste says,

  8. Oct 8, 2019 · Nevertheless, let’s try to analyse some of Twelfth Night ’s most salient themes and features. Plot summary of Twelfth Night. Act 1. The play opens with the Duke of Illyria, Orsino, pining away with love for Olivia, a countess whose father died a year ago and whose brother has recently died. Olivia has vowed to shut herself away from society ...

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