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  1. Aug 28, 2018 · Parents, teachers, counselors, doctors, and anyone who interacts with youth have a responsibility to ensure that teens are set up for the best possible chances of success. Mental illness, peer pressure, academic stress, uncertainty, parental pressure, technology are just some of the most common causes of teen stress and pressure today.

  2. Homework placed fourth at 13%. 36.5% of U.S. college students pointed to stress as the biggest reason why their academic performance suffered negatively for the past 12 months. In addition, 29.5 % listed anxiety as a factor. For American middle schoolers, 61% of teens admitted feeling a lot of pressure to get good grades.

  3. Encourage your teens to find an exercise they enjoy, whether it is team sports or other activities like yoga, wall climbing, swimming, dancing, or hiking. You might even suggest trying a new activity together. Keep an eye on sleep. Teens need plenty of shut-eye. Not getting enough sleep makes it harder to manage stress.

  4. Interestingly enough, a study called “Shifting the Lens: A focus on stress and coping among East Baltimore African American adolescents” found that out of list of 16 stressors, the five stressors most frequently felt were “school work (78%),parents (68%), romantic relationships (64%), friends’ problems (64%), and younger siblings (64%).”

  5. Jul 22, 2021 · Stress or emotional eating is a behavior a teen may experience during times of increased stress. During a jam-packed, hectic day, food may be used as a coping mechanism. While stress eating may relieve those anxious feelings at the moment, it’s important to acknowledge that it’s contributing to a greater detrimental cycle.

  6. These feelings can be debilitating in the way they affect a teen’s school life, personal life, and future. Social anxiety disorders must be addressed professionally through therapy and, in some cases, an anti-anxiety medication. 3. Home Environment. Another common source of teenage stress is the home.

  7. Learn and model stress management skills. Support involvement in sports and other pro-social activities. Teens can decrease stress with the following behaviors and techniques: Exercise and eat regularly. Get enough sleep and have a good sleep routine. Avoid excess caffeine which can increase feelings of anxiety and agitation.

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