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  1. Weakness, Vulnerability, and Abuse. The struggles of the poorest and weakest in society are a frequent focus of The Secret Agent. The anarchist characters claim, at least outwardly, that their activities are meant to improve poor people’s lot in life. More specifically, Winnie Verloc ’s disabled brother, Stevie, exemplifies the frustration ...

  2. The Secret Agent Summary and Analysis of Chapter III. Summary. Mr. Verloc hosts a meeting of three radicals in the back parlor behind his shop. Each of these men is of a unique appearance and political conviction: Michaelis is a fat, unhealthy man with a blind belief in the progress of history towards societal revolution; Karl Yundt is an old ...

  3. Verloc has his shop selling pornography and contraceptives, and moreover works as a secret agent for the Embassy; Chief Inspector Heat, the Assistant Commissioner, and Mr. Vladimir are employed by either the police department or the Embassy. On the contrary, Michaelis, Karl Yundt, and Ossipon are all supported by different women, since their ...

  4. The Secret Agent: Chapter 3 Summary & Analysis. Michaelis, a pale, fat man on parole from prison, is in Verloc ’s parlor. He argues that ideals are worthless and that economic conditions are what really move history. Karl Yundt, an elderly, decrepit, self-described terrorist, also sits with Michaelis and Verloc.

  5. Discussion of themes and motifs in Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent. eNotes critical analyses help you gain a deeper understanding of The Secret Agent so you can excel on your essay or test.

  6. You came, you saw, you conquered. You completed {{MODULE_TITLE}} and have earned

  7. The Secret Agent is a novel by Joseph Conrad. It was published in 1907. The novel describes events in the life of a man named Verloc, a secret government agent for an unnamed country living in London in 1886, who is ordered to carry out a bombing with the goal of manipulating the British government. Though The Secret Agent is a work of fiction ...

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