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  1. Mujtahid Sharriy’a are those who make the rules with the help and deep study of al-Islam, such as the Four Imams (Imams Abu Hanifah, Malik bin Anas, Muhammad Shafi’i, and Ahmad bin Hanbal, Radhi Allahu ‘Anhum).

  2. To be Muslim, you must believe with full conviction in the oneness of God, that there is no God but Allah (S), and that the Prophet Muhammad (saw) is His last and final messenger. This is essentially the shahadah, or testament of faith, that one says when they convert to Islam.

    • Practice Islam as much as you can. "He who loves my Sunnah has loved me, and he who loves me will be with me in Paradise." -The Prophet Muhammad (Tirmidhi)
    • Respect your parents. "Heaven lies under the feet of your mother." -The Prophet Muhammad (Ahmad, Nasa'i) Keeping up a good relationship with your family is essential.
    • Find a teacher. "For him who follows a path for seeking knowledge, Allah will ease for him the path to Paradise." -The Prophet Muhammad (Muslim) Finding a teacher to bounce ideas off of is a great way to learn your deen (religion).
    • Keep away from debates and arguments. "Verily anger spoils faith as aloe spoils honey." -The Prophet Muhammad (Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi) Trying to constantly defend your religion is something that will cause you a lot of stress.
    • Principle 1: Have a sincere, unwavering intention. Prophet Muhammad said, "each person will be rewarded for what he intended" (Muslim). This calls for determination in the heart to continuously act or to abstain from something only for God's sake.
    • Principle 2: Work purely for God, (the One) without partners or associates. Prophet Muhammad said: "worship God as though you see Him, but if you do not see Him (know that) He sees you" (Muslim).
    • Principle 3: Align one's desires with the guidelines and rulings of the Shari`ah (Islamic law). Be patient in times of hardship and difficulty, when struggling with personal desires, and in avoiding sinful acts and pleasures.
    • Principle 4: Base one's actions on following [the prophet's way and scholarly opinions], and not on innovation. This prevents the following of one's own desires and becoming proud of one's own opinion.
  3. With reference to question 103 regarding Mujtahideen, you say “The Úlama of today do not qualify to be Mujtahids”. Yet I have seen the following about Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammed (who is the Amir of Al Muhajiroun).

  4. The fundamentals of Islam -- if you mean by that, the "five pillars of Islam," they are the shahada, which is an affirmation that there is no deity except Allah and that Muhammad is his...

  5. May 11, 2018 · Traditions and practices within Islam vary, but a few benchmarks root most Muslims in a common faith. Allah or God? When referring to God, Muslims use the word “Allah,” which is the Arabic translation of the Hebrew word Elohim .

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