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  1. Drive-in theaters (like all theaters) have to pay up to 90% of the money they take in at the box office to the movie studios who makes the films. So drive-ins make very little money from your admission. They make their money at the concession stand so please support them by buying your food and drink there.

  2. Jun 26, 2023 · It’s totally up to you. Q: How does the sound work? A: Many pet-friendly movie theaters pipe the movies sound in through your car’s FM radio. Others have portable radios for rent or speakers at the parking spot.

  3. Feel guilty leaving pups at home during a night out? Take your floof along to one of these dog-friendly drive-in movie theaters.

  4. May 20, 2019 · Most drive-in movie theaters use FM radio to play the sound. Each screen has its own frequency and you tune your own radio to that station to listen. Here are three ways to listen to FM sound at a drive-in movie.

  5. Jun 27, 2022 · Drive-In movie theaters are experiencing a boom these days, as pet-friendly drive-in theaters open across North America. Be sure to check the theater’s instructions for social distancing before visiting a pet-friendly movie theater with your dog.

  6. Nov 22, 2023 · Drive-ins play the movie’s audio via a dedicated FM station. You can tune in with your car’s radio or bring a portable one. We recommend the latter, as you’re likely to drain your vehicle’s battery if you leave it in accessory mode for two hours. A lot of theaters keep jumper cables or a jumper box on hand for such occurrences.

  7. 2. Connect with your local town council or local oficials about permits and restrictions that may apply to hosting this type of gathering. 3. Approach your local movie theater in town to see if they are interested in supporting your event given the current restriction and limited business at their theater.

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