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  1. A gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) blood test measures the activity of GGT in your blood. GGT may leak into your bloodstream if your liver or bile duct is damaged, so having high levels of GGT in your blood may indicate liver disease or damage to your liver’s bile ducts. Bile ducts are tubes that carry bile (a fluid that’s important for ...

  2. Jul 18, 2022 · A hematocrit test is a simple blood test that measures the percentage of red blood cells in your blood. Red blood cells are important because they carry oxygen throughout your body. Test results showing low or high hematocrit levels may be signs of blood disorders or other medical conditions. Contents Overview Test Details Results and Follow-Up.

  3. Lymphocytes are a type of immune cell. There are two main types of lymphocytes: T lymphocytes (T cells): T cells control your body’s immune system response and directly attack and kill infected cells and tumor cells. B lymphocytes (B cells): B cells make antibodies. Antibodies are proteins that target viruses, bacteria and other foreign invaders.

  4. Mar 8, 2018 · Doctors check blood test results for low or high monocyte levels to help diagnose various health conditions. For example, high monocyte count can mean that your body is fighting infections or that you have an inflammatory condition. Low monocyte count can mean that you have a vitamin deficiency, anemia, or are under a lot of stress.

  5. The CD57 blood test measures CD57+ NK counts. Although the reason is unknown, people who are infected with a chronic Lyme disease infection have low CD57+ NK counts. First the lymphocytes are counted for an absolute number. A normal result is 60-360 cells per mL. Anything below 60 is generally considered an indication of chronic Lyme disease.

  6. A complete blood count (CBC) is a blood test that measures amounts and sizes of your red blood cells, hemoglobin, white blood cells and platelets. A provider can use it to monitor and diagnose medical conditions and check on the health of your immune system. Infections, medications, anemia and cancer can cause abnormal results.

  7. A CBC is a laboratory (lab) test that your healthcare team may order to evaluate a sample of your blood. The CBC looks at three different kinds of cells: Blood cells originate in your bone marrow and are made as your body needs them. Blood cells last for a limited time and must be replaced constantly. Many chemotherapy agents destroy fast ...

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