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  1. Jun 24, 2015 · In recent years the American Heart Association has encouraged a new quality measure called “first medical contact-to-balloon”. The goal is to have the procedure completed within 90 minutes of EMS arriving at the patient’s side. Some argue that the clock should start with the 9-1-1 call.

  2. Jun 8, 2022 · A DNR (do not resuscitate) order means a person does not want CPR or other lifesaving measures in the event of a cardiac arrest. A DNI (do not intubate) order means a person does not want to be placed on a ventilator. A DNR and DNI order is a common choice for people with a terminal or life-threatening illness.

  3. (a) emergency medical technician; (b) advanced emergency medical technician; or (c) paramedic. (20) "Medical control" means a person who provides medical supervision to an emergency medical service provider. (21) "Non-911 service" means transport of a patient that is not 911 transport under Subsection (1).

  4. Oct 6, 2022 · X-rays are not great at evaluating the soft tissues. By soft tissues, we mean everything but the bones. So we may say the soft tissues are grossly unremarkable. We do not see anything obvious but this does not necessarily mean everything is ok. Unremarkable and grossly unremarkable are therefore common terms used in radiology reports.

  5. Jan 9, 2020 · Medical terminology is language that is used to describe anatomical structures, processes, conditions, medical procedures, and treatments. At first glance, medical terms may appear intimidating, but once you understand basic medical word structure and the definitions of some common word elements, the meaning of thousands of medical terms is easily unlocked.

  6. On early macintosh computers, a software glitch made the machines write nonsensical characters quickly. Neal Stephenson documented this effect in a computer magazine, "When the computer crashed and wrote gibberish into the bitmap, the result was something that looked vaguely like static on a broken television set—a 'snow crash' ".

  7. gency medical attention but not immediately endan-gering the patient’s life. Priority 3 — Non-emergent condition, requiring medi-cal attention but not on an emergency basis. Priority 4 — Does not require medical attention. Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) Glasgow Coma Scale, or GCS, is another technique for qualifying a patient’s condition.

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