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  1. Explanation and Analysis—Lovesickness: Most physicians of Shakespeare's time were strong believers in humoral theory, which posited that the human body contained four vital fluids or "humors," and that an imbalance of these humors was the cause of all physical and mental ailments. In Twelfth Night, both love and grief are compared to illness ...

  2. Twelfth Night literature essays are academic essays for citation. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Twelfth Night. The Role of the Fool: Feste's Significance; The Fool as a Playwright in Twelfth Night; It is Theater; To Believe, or Not To Believe; The Function of Plot Divisions in Twelfth Night and ...

  3. Metaphor Examples in Twelfth Night: "debt of love..." See in text (Act I - Scene I) Olivia’s sadness and ardent commitment to keeping that sadness “fresh” in her “remembrance” can be seen as a pose of melancholy. Like Orsino who affects the tropes of love-sickness, Olivia plays the role of melancholy. Together, these two characters ...

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  5. Twelfth Night is a play about desire’s power to override conventions of class, religion, and even gender. Several characters begin the play believing they want one thing, only to have love teach them they actually want something else. Orsino thinks he wants Olivia, until he falls in love with Viola (dressed as Cesario.)

  6. Twelfth Night- The name of the play is a holiday in which things are said to be turned upside down. Because of the nature of the plot of the play, this seems fitting. Music- The opening line in the play shows that music is an important metaphor for love. Feste, at different intervals during the play, sings songs that help to illustrate for the ...

  7. Jul 26, 2020 · Twelfth Night is the ninth in a series of comedies Shakespeare wrote during the 1590s that includes The Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, and As You Like It and is a masterful synthesis of them all, unsurpassed in the artistry of its execution. In recognizing the barriers to love it ...

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