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  2. Learn what the will of God is from the Bible, how it relates to God's plan, purpose, and sovereignty, and how to align our lives with it. Explore the biblical themes and examples of God's will in the Old and New Testament.

  3. The will of God is everything that God desires or wishes to happen in heaven and on earth. Learn how to pray for God's will to be done, and how to stay on the road of God's will for your life with five explicit commands from the New Testament.

    • Walk with God.
    • Surrender Your Will to God’s.
    • Obey What You Already Know to Be God’s Will.
    • Seek Godly input.
    • Pay Attention to How God Has Wired you.
    • Listen to God’s Spirit.
    • Listen to Your Heart.
    • Take A Look at Your circumstances.
    • GeneratedCaptionsTabForHeroSec

    For starters, if you are interested in knowing God’s will and plan for your life, then you must learn to walk with God. You need to develop a relationship with Him. Christianity is all about relationship rather than just religion. And so you must cultivate your relationship with God. You must seek to know Him and not just seek to know about Him. Yo...

    Many times when we say we are seeking God’s will, what we are really wanting to say to God is this: “OK, God, here’s what I’m planning to do. Now I need you to rubber stamp this, all right?” I must tell you that this is not really effective in finding His true will. Before God will begin to reveal His will to you, you must be committed to doing wha...

    Many people seem to want to know what God’s plan is for their lives, but they overlook the fact that 98% of His will is already delineated carefully through His Word. God is very clear about many, many aspects of His will. For instance, it is clearly His plan that we abstain from sexual immorality (1 Thessalonians 4:3). If we do not obey the things...

    One key component to finding God’s will is to seek the input of godly advisors in your life. If you don’t currently have 3-4 godly mentors, then I would highly recommend that you seek them out right away. Think of it this way: you should understand that you are basically a composite of the five people you spend the most time with. So, then, it is v...

    God has created you to fulfill a specific role in this world. There is no one else who can achieve completely what God has purposely created you to do. The Apostle Peter gives us this admonition: God has gifted every one of us to perform a special mission for which we alone were created. How amazing is that? Wow! So, when you seek to discover God’s...

    I experienced a major turning point in my own prayer life when I learned simply to shut upwhile I was praying. That may sound odd to you, and it seemed odd to me at first. You see, I used to do all the talking when I prayed to God. But then, several years ago, I read Bill Hybel’s book, Too Busy Not to Pray. That book completely changed the way I ap...

    In addition to listening to the Spirit, I also recommend listening to your heart. To understand my point here, consider the following passage: I love this passage, because it shows me that, when I am walking with the Lord, He will actually let me do many really cool things that I actually love to do! When you are close to Him, He actually begins to...

    God often clearly demonstrates His plan for our lives by lining up circumstances in obvious ways. And He also shows us what His will is NOT for us to do in that same way. It is not His will for you to take the job that is not offered to you. If you are 5’ 6” tall and weigh 125 lbs., it is not likely that God has created you to play professional foo...

    Learn eight keys to discovering God's plan for your life, such as walking with God, surrendering your will, obeying His Word, and listening to His Spirit. Find out how to seek godly input, pay attention to your gifts, and trust in His sovereignty.

  4. Jun 26, 2023 · At its most basic, the will of God is to repent of our sin and trust in Christ. If we have not taken that first step, then we have not yet accepted God’s will. Once we receive Christ by faith, we are made God’s children (John 1:12), and He desires to lead us in His way (Psalm 143:10).

  5. Jul 29, 2024 · God's will is the things that God wants, and He reveals them to us through prayer and Scripture. Learn how to seek and live out God's will in your life with examples from the Bible and Jesus' prayer.

  6. Apr 12, 2023 · The Bible reveals God’s general will for us and His will regarding certain specific matters (such as loving others, speaking truth, maintaining sexual purity, etc.). In any given situation, we should first determine if the Bible addresses the issue either specifically or in principle.

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