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  1. The general combination of traits in domesticated mammals is an ensemble that we will refer to as the Genetics, Vol. 197, 795–808 July 2014 795 Table 1 List of traits modified in the “domestication syndrome” in mammals* Trait Depigmentation (especially white patches, brown regions) Floppy ears Reduced ears Shorter muzzles Smaller teeth ...

  2. Jan 1, 2022 · This discovery was coined Domestication Syndrome, which describes a set of traits that arise in an animal when that animal becomes domesticated. These are traits we see in many domestic animals, they include: floppier or reduced ears, shorter muzzles, smaller teeth, smaller brain, more frequent fertility, higher levels of serotonin, and, of ...

  3. Some of this evidence identifies dispersal with probable cultivation, suggesting incipient domestication by 10,000 years ago. Since the Pleistocene, more than 6500, 1206 and 6261 native plant species have been used in Mesoamerica, the Central Andes and lowland South America, respectively.

  4. domestication syndrome hypothesis and if the strength of behavioural correlations differed between ancient and modern breeds by fitting the Z r and V z values in a phylogenetically-

  5. Domestication syndrome of several plants includes the gigantism of vegetative and reproductive structures. In the Peninsula of Yucatan, species from native forests are found as structural trees in homegardens.

  6. Feb 11, 2022 · A recent hypothesis posits that the “domestication syndrome” characteristic of domesticated animals is driven by selection for tameness acting on neural crest cell genes, particularly those affecting cell migration. This is posited to explain why this syndrome involves many disparate phenotypic effects.

  7. 261 ersity Div of Domestication athways P Domestication is a word derived from the Latin term domus meaning house ; to domesticate is a verb that may mean bringing to the house to make something

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