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  1. Oct 25, 2022 · Infected eczema: Infected eczema occurs when bacteria, fungus or a virus breaks through your skin to cause an infection. Symptoms that are a sign of complications include: Fever and chills. A clear to yellow fluid leaking out of blisters on your skin. Pain and swelling.

  2. Dec 22, 2021 · Texas A&M Forest Service experts explain why pollen released by the Ashe juniper, commonly known as mountain cedar, triggers allergy symptoms this time of year. In Texas, cedar trees’ favorite time to release pollen is right after a cold front. Cedar fever season is upon us once again, complete with runny noses, itchy eyes and general misery.

  3. The Lone Star Tick can be found throughout Virginia but usually lives in areas below 1,600 ft. in elevation. This tick is an aggressive biter and has the potential to transmit serious diseases such as Ehrlichiosis and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. The adult female is best recognized by a white dot, or “lone star,” on the center of her back.

  4. Oct 9, 2023 · Takeaway. Tick bites can cause a small bump. If you experience other symptoms, such as a rash, it can indicate an allergic reaction or infection with a tick-borne disease. Tick bites are often ...

  5. Herpangina. Herpangina is a viral illness that causes a high fever and blister-like sores in the mouth and throat. The illness is contagious and spreads quickly among kids in daycare centers and school environments where children are close to each other. Herpangina is similar to hand, foot and mouth disease.

  6. Mar 11, 2024 · However, a person can treat the symptoms of HFMD at home by: taking over-the-counter pain medicines ( acetaminophen or ibuprofen) to help reduce pain and fever. drinking plenty of water and other ...

  7. We describe various conditions that result in a fever and maculopapular rash in adults. These include infectious processes (meningococcemia, infectious mononucleosis, West Nile virus, zika virus, rubella, primary human immunodeficiency virus, parvovirus B19, ebolavirus), tick-borne illnesses (Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis), and ...

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