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  1. Agricultural Education is composed of three distinct, yet interrelated components. A basic component is classroom and laboratory experiences. In the classroom, students learn concepts and theories dealing with a broad spectrum of agricultural and agribusiness topics.

  2. Fourth Science Course Option 2020-2021 course list. Georgia Alignment Toolkit: Connecting Education and Business. Georgia Career Pipeline. Georgia CTAE Employability Skills Task Force Recommendations. Georgia CTAE Strategic Plan. Guidance and Counseling. Industry Certification Standards. Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (JROTC) Local Plan ...

  3. Agriculture. Career, Technical and Agricultural Educations Agriculture program combines agricultural technical skills with rigorous coursework, leadership training, and an exploration of the ethical and philosophical issues related to genetic engineering and other current agricultural topics.

  4. Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning (DECAL), Georgia Department of Public Health, and Georgia Organics host the state’s first Farm to Preschool Summit for childcare providers. The Georgia FTS Alliance releases the first Georgia FTS Strategic Plan. Georgia Organics and the Georgia Departments of Agriculture, Education and Public ...

  5. Billy Hughes, program manager for agricultural education at the Georgia Department of Education, said in his annual report that Elementary Agricultural Education (EAE) is thriving in its second year. There are 46 EAE teachers in Georgia across 39 elementary schools.

  6. The Career, Technical and Agricultural Education Performance Standards were condensed to reflect the most essential elements of the curricula. Each career pathway provides students with the necessary tools to be successful at the next level of their educational career.

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  8. These elementary agricultural standards are organized under four domains: Agricultural Systems, Foundations of Agriculture, Leadership/Career Readiness and Natural Resource Systems. Each grade level will learn key agricultural topics in these four domains.

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