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  1. When did (and does!) it start? There can be some quibbling about exact wording, but almost all Sabbath-keepers agree that it begins in the evening on Friday, the end of the sixth day of the week. Sunset is the clearest marker and way to express the break between day and night.

  2. Jul 23, 2007 · The complete day does not end at sunset or midnight, but the day started at dawn in the beginning. That is the biblical day from Genesis. These passages confirm the day starts before sunset when a day goes on through s unset into the evening:

  3. Many, having been taught the biblical day ended at sunset, then conclude 'morning' equates to daylight and 'evening' equates to night. Unfortunately Scripture does not confirm this reasoning.

  4. In the Bible it says to rest on the seventh day of the week, because G‑d created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Today Christians rest on Sunday, Muslims rest on Friday, and Jews rest on Saturday.

  5. Jun 17, 2023 · By the way, they gather at the end of Saturday night to celebrate the end of Sabbath which is “the first day of the week.” If the Bible proves anything, it’s that Sabbath is a perpetual covenant with God and His people.

  6. Sep 11, 2023 · When does the Sabbath start and end? While the Sabbath clearly falls on the seventh day of the week, when does the day actually start and end, according to the Bible? Modern society marks the beginning of a new day at midnight.

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  8. Sabbath. SABBATH (שַׁבָּת, H8701, cessation, rest; LXX σάββατον, G4879, sabbath, week). The Heb. weekly day of rest and worship, which was observed on the seventh day of the week, beginning at sundown on Friday and ending at sundown on Saturday. I. Origin of the Sabbath.

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