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    Orange-Sesame Beef Short Ribs
    I don’t eat a lot of beef. I love beef, especially good beef. Yet, I very rarely eat it. When I eat protein, I typically eat pork, chicken, shrimp and/or salmon. I occasionally pepper in beef, turkey, duck, mussels and other forms of walking, running and/or swimming creatures, but only ever to change it up. And, while beef is a very common meat, I tend not to buy it or cook it. I really don’t know why! I’ve decided to beef up my site, a bit. You’ll notice I cooked up an open-faced meatloaf sandwich, just the other day. Today? Asian-y Beef Short Ribs! I’m looking to give beef some love! This one is a bit outside my typical repertoire, which is either good news or bad news, depending on who you are and what you’re all about. Aside from the fact that this is about big boney beefy goodness, it also involves a prepared shortcut, as well as a slow cooker. I get lots of requests for more slow cooker recipes. I listen. In kind, here’s a doozy! (I’m still working up the desire to grab an Instant Pot. I still view them as voo-doo, but … don’t tell anyone I said that) Prepared Shortcut: There’s a silly joke I love. It goes something like this … A young woman comes home from college for a weekend visit. She heads into the kitchen for something to eat then pops to the bottom of the stairs, dejected. “MOM!!”, she shouts up the stairs. “MOM! Do we have any food? All I can find are ingredients!” I cook a lot, and usually with good old-fashioned ingredients. I usually combine them in interesting ways to prepare actual food. However, we all know that I use sugar alternatives. Another area where I’m prone to cutting shorts is … jam. Jelly. I always have a variety of different sugar-free preserves lying around. I use them to stir into my Yo-Cheese, as well as forming the base for a tantalizing ice cream, or a cream cheese schmear. It’s a quick way to get some fruity flavor, while skipping all the steps of processing the fruit, myself. It also is often lower in carbs than anything I can make at home. I trade my time for some of the additional preservatives, wonky thickeners and emulsifiers in these ingredients. I do. I admit it. Sometimes, I run out of time and cheat. Today, I’m cheating with Orange Marmalade (one of my absolute favorites!). This amazing recipe is quite easy, actually. The beef ribs are seasoned with salt and pepper. They are seared, then placed into a slow cooker. Then, the remainder of the ingredients are mixed together, poured over the ribs, then locked away to cook for several hours. That’s it! Serving Notes: The ribs in the photos are being served over some seasoned sesame oil stir-fried broccolini from CostCo. Quick, easy and delicious!